Introduction to the Kingslayer Saga

Table of Contents

Five survivors of an atrocity.
Five outcasts looking for revenge.
Five souls finding each other.

The Law

In the year 1377, on day 8 of Mid Summer Moon,
the Purity Law took effect in the Kingdom of Fir'arun.
A law born from disdain and fear that rendered it illegal
for Elves and Werewolves to have children together.
A crime to be punished by death.   Many lives have been destroyed during the past twenty-three years.
Although the situation has calmed down after the initial massacres,
the threat persists - and the situation is unlikely to change anytime soon.   At least not without a meaningful push.

The Pack


A young assassin who convinced four other hybrids to join her cause -
to kill the king who ruined their lives.
A heart burning with rage and yet eerily cold at the same time.


A misfit since early childhood,
ridiculed and rejected.
Crafty, insidious, and determined
to find his place in the world -
to prove them all wrong.


The Elves' fear come true -
a giant, angry wolf with
added elemental powers.
Fiercely protective of loved ones
for reasons she cannot remember.


A warrior whose tribe
was wiped out for providing
a safe haven for hybrids
and their families.
Gentle, artistic and philosophical -
but by no means harmless.


A battle-worn veteran, betrayed by the very people he had been
honor-bound to protect.
Weary and cynical,
with decades of experience to compensate for his aging body.

The Story

The plan itself is straightforward enough - travel to the capital, get past the guards, and embed a dagger in the king's heart. Implementing that plan, however, is a whole different beast...

Traveling in the Shadows

Unable to move freely in public, they take on the jobs that people want to keep secret anyway.   The reward is usually high - but so are the stakes in case of failure. They will need to work together flawlessly, each one trusting in the others to do their part.

Clashing Personalities

Each pack member was scarred in their own way - emotionally, physically, or both.   And each one is used to dealing with those scars on their own in a society that wants them dead. Consequently, social skills are not exactly their speciality.

Disasters and Detours

Eventually, things spiral out of control. A job goes horribly wrong, leaving them with a massive problem and in desperate need for a solution.   Hunting for that solution starts taking them further and further away from the original path, while time is running out... And getting stranded on an entirely different world is the last thing they'd need.
adventurous with bits of humor and romance in an increasingly hostile world
Content Warnings
violence, discrimination, genocide, mental health struggles
Character Concepts by
Story Developed by

Why This Story?

Because my friend and I have waaay too much fun tossing ideas at each other and are curious about where they will lead.   On a more somber note, it's also an opportunity to reflect on real-world issues that are close to my heart.

The Cultures

Northern Forest Elves

Noble, intelligent and cultured - that's how they they like to see themselves.   But one does not need to dig very deep to find territorial conflicts, abuse of power, and systematic discrimination.

Southern Werewolves

As a hard-working, tribal culture, they value physical strength and loyalty.   However, who deserves that loyalty is a different story. Most of them have a very clear concept of who is part of their community and who is not.

The Central Themes


Where is the line between getting justice and losing oneself to anger?   How much retribution is appropriate, and at which point is the price too high to pay?   What does revenge do to the one seeking it, and what would happen if they chose to forgive?


How can one stay functional when fate stabs them in the back?   How can one tend to their wounds when the next challenge is always around the corner?   How does one face their fears and re-evaluate the beliefs that kept them alive so far?


How vulnerable can one risk to be, and with whom?   How does one ask for help when one is used to surviving alone?   How can one person's experience help another person grow strong?

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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