Olespi Muttri


The island sits atop flat land of exposed mountain rock slowly being overtaken by dirt and plants. The island itself is very hilly, almost mountainous, with a large lake in the middle of the island.


It’s a temperate Mediterranean

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasons don’t exist on the island, instead it stays anywhere between 69°F to 75°F all year round. Desire the lack of seasons, it is prone to the violent storms that that coast of West Jyalb faces around Spring.

Fauna & Flora

Wild goats, cattle, horses, and sheep live here along with a variety of birds and reptile species.


The floating island was originally created as a sort of natural warship meant to wipe out the ivierae some time after the Human-Ivierae War ended. Merthicz for whatever reason decided to keep the island, and now uses it as a sort of jail for keeping the high elves in line.


Many types of people like to tour the island, but humans and wood elves are most likely to visit. Wood elves mostly in the sense that they lucked out not getting the wrath high elves faced. Every single house is a shop largely catered towards tourism. Near the lake is a large tavern for visitors to stay in, the largest one in Mirthae able to house up to 1,000 people at once.
Alternative Name(s)
Flying Island, Vulture Culture
Island, Floating
Location under
Included Organizations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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