Barony of Winen Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Barony of Winen


Castle Winen was built by King Chafin I in 701TR to be the eyes and ears of the crown in Northern Kingdom of Rethem, and to slow the growing power of Clan Lynnaeus, the Earl of Tormau. Some say the Earl had King Chafin assassinated for this insult.

Castle Winen was the Shire Moot of Hohnamshire, with the appointed Sheriff controlling of Royal Justice and Taxation serving at the pleasure of the King. However, the Sheriff and his staff were captured in 701TR after the Earl of Tormau rebelled against the Crown.

Refer Session 66 - Attacking the Hidden Base.

Current Status

The title of the Sheriff of Hohnamshire is currently vacant on account of the ongoing Rethemi Civil War. The victor will likely reinstate it. Currently, the Castle and nearby holdings are held by forces loyal to the Earl of Tormau.

The Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer Knight Athena Pallas, who significantly aided in the capture of the Castle, has been named Constable of Winen Castle and nearby Manors. Dame Athena is charged with security and supplying military resources in the ongoing campaign. She has placed trustworthy Bailiffs and Mercenaries in charge of the Baronies scattered holdings.


Winen Castle

Administered by the Constable of Winen (Dame Athena) for the Earl of Tormau.

Ths Castle has a garrison of 20 Band of the Bloody Gauntlet mercenaries and 5 Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer warriors.

Minor Holdings

Adanal and Kuba Manors

The Baron of Quiso captured these manors. Administered by the Constable of Winen.

Each manor has a garrison of 5 Wardens of Corthir mercenaries.

Deryath and Ressa Manors

These manors were captured by the Constable of Dasen for the Earl of Tormau. Administered by the Constable of Winen.

Each manor has a garrison of 5 Wardens of Corthir mercenaries.

Emeter Manor

Located in the Barony of Ithiko and still held by the Crown. The seat of the acting Sheriff of Hohnamshire, after the capture of Winen.

Furo Manor

Administered by the Constable of Winen.

This manor has a garrison of 5 Wardens of Corthir mercenaries.

Jenath Manor

Located in the Barony of Zaza and still held by the Crown.

Lujay Manor

This manor was captured by the Crimson Dancers holding the Barony of Ithius. Administered by the Constable of Winen.

This manor has a garrison of 5 Wardens of Corthir mercenaries.

Riens Manor

Administered by the Constable of Winen.

This manor has a garrison of 5 Wardens of Corthir mercenaries.

Agriculture & Industry

Winen has access to the considerable resources of Rylosin forest.

Hardwood - Charcoalers harvest the nearby Pine trees for pitch and ash.

Furs and Medicinal Herbs - These are collected in the hills south of the manors.

Lead Mine - The Constable of Winen is responsible for ensuring security to the Lead Mine in Rylosin Forest. The Lead Mine is very rich and also produces a small but significant quality of Silver. The Mine is managed by Master-miner Remont Hogg, who has attempted to skim some of the profits in the past. The Constables guards are carefully watching him.

Geopolitical, Barony
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Judicial Body
In times of peace, Winen is the seat of the Sheriff of Hohnamshire.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Character flag image: Clan Lynnaeus, by Columbia games


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