Great Families of the Kingdom of Rethem in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Great Families of the Kingdom of Rethem

Major Families, Earls and Barons

Clan Araku

Clan Lynnaeus

Clan Barzak

Clan Araku, by Columbia Games
Clan Lynnaeus
Clan Lynnaeus, by Columbia games

Clanhead King Kabe II Araku.

Kabe became king after his uncle and farther won the Rethemi Civil War (721 to 724TR). He is a minor and will come of age in 730Tr, until that time his father Earl Vavryse Lynnaeus rule in his place. Born Saval Lynnaeus may have not accepted his place as head of Clan Araku and King of Rethem.

Clanhead Earl Vavryse Lynnaeus.


The Earl of Tormau rules Rethem as the Lord Regent, intil his son, the King comes of age. Earl Vavryse is a competent, but not brilliant administrator. 

Clanhead Earl Geyal Barzak.


The Ithiko lost some of his estates as a result of his Clan fighting on the losing side of the Rethemi Civil War (721 to 723TR).

Lesser Families, Minor Lords, and Barons

Clan Hyndar

Clan Pallas

Clan Borganau

Clan head Baron Racca Hyndar.

Holds Monrein and two other manors from the King (from the Chakta Keep).

Clanhead Dame Athena Pallas.

Dame Athena, is a Crimson Dancer holding Avonel, Daya and Hauldy Manors. She has recently adopted an heir Hera.

Clanhead Igrin Borganau

A large influential family. Holds Yediro and three other manors from the King. Former Clanhead Sir Aucen was killed by Dame Athena Pallas in 721TR (refer Session 66 - Attacking the Hidden Base).

Cover image: Rethem Header by Attacus


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