Session 066 - Attacking the Hidden Base Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 066 - Attacking the Hidden Base

General Summary

24th to 30th Larane (5) (Summer) 721TR

The story so far

A civil war has broken out in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Athena, a Crimson Dancer Knight has cunningly poisoned the food supplies in Castle Winen, the next objective of the Earl of Tormau's rebellion.

She has now been ordered to deal with the enemies' secret supply base along the River Denia while the Earl assaults the weakened Castle.

Continuation of Session 65 - The Military Endeavors.

Location - River Denia East of Quiso, Northwest Rethem.

Part 1 - Distracting the Guards

The heroes stealthily make their way upstream from the hidden supply base observing four guards and a supply wagon. Hidden under a large bush is a trapdoor to a small underground complex.

Quazzy telepathically charms one of the guards who then wanders off towards civilization to surrender to the rebels forces. This would give away the location of the secret base and causes panic among the guards. A number from the underground chamber, rush after him. Quazzy through the eyes of her familiar observes the charmed man's murder.

Part 2 - New Allies

A short while before the guards' return, Yureb attempts to confuse the three remaining sentries, but they prove resistant to his control spells. The party attack. Quazzy using a series of deceptions and illusions convinces the archers that are a large army is attacking and tricks them into surrendering. She also uses illusions to set alight the bush hiding the trap door keeping the occupants underneath confined.

Shortly after the guards which hunted down the running man arrive. These exhausted men are quickly dispatched.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
26 Jan 2020
Secondary Location

NPC Companion

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Quazzy convinces the captives that they are magically cursed to follow her and interrogates them. She learns that there are six men left below, lead by Sir Aucen Borganau. Also that Sir Aucen has captured a huge blubbery monster who lived in this Cave, an Aklash. The beast now follows the Knights commands.

Part 3 - The Aklash Emerges and Quickly Dies

The party moves combustible materials into the illusionary fire and create a real bonfire burning away the bush. As the fire is burning, Athena gives the occupants one chance to surrender. There is no response.

After the fire burns out, the enormous Blubbery Aklash emerges from the cave opening. As it struggles to squeeze through the trapdoor, the party mob it and cut away, it's blubbery mass exposing its central brain in its chest, which Athena cuts in two. As the creature dissolves in a mass of sticky fat, the men in the Cave make their way up.

Part 4 - The Battle

Sir Aucen Borganau
Sir Aucen Borganau proves a deadly opponent. He hits hard with his Two-handed Sword causing deep, bleeding Wounds. Lucinda nearly passed out from blood loss, but Athena severs his head. The remaining men surrender.

On examination of Sir Aucen, Athena notes that's the blade edge is sharped in a similar manner to her weapon. This weapon has been prepared using the secret weapon forging techniques of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

Location - Castle of Tormau, Northwest Rethem.


Winen Castle

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus
On the same day that the heroes assault the hidden supply base, the Earl of Tormau launches his attack on Castle Winen. Once the ill Companions of Roving Doom Knights are killed, the Castle quickly surrenders.

Athena is interested in being assigned the position of Constable of Winen Castle. She makes a persuasive case noting her noble birth and local knowledge. She is supported by the Earls allies the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer and in the background Quazzy undermining any alternative candidates. The Earl agrees, and she is named the Constable of Winen Castle and a few nearby manors. She is tasked with keeping order, guarding the neary Lead Mine and preparing forces within her charge for next year's military campaigns.

Quazzy's Disciples

Quazzy inducts three of the captives into the Cult of Desridaen. The skilled Archers Gifardus, Adenot, and Garnet are convinced that Quazzy has a link to their souls and can find and kill them anytime if they betray her.

NPC Interactions

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus.

Gifardus, Adenot, and Garnet - Captured soldiers and Quazzy's disciples.

Challenges Overcome

Captured the hidden supply base. Killed or captured the garrison.

Athena becomes the constable of Winen.


Athena is named Constable of Winen.

Captured Sir Aucen Borganau Sharpened Greatsword.

Created Content

Barony of Winen.

Great Families of the Kingdom of Rethem.

Related Reports

Earl Denyl Lynnaeus - The Earl of Tormau.

Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 13 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 13 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 8 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.


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