Castle of Tormau Settlement in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Castle of Tormau

Castle Tormau is located on an island in the mouth of the Denia River and controls the trade with the Kubora Barbarians of the North.

It is the seat of Earl Denyl Lynnaeus the rich and powerful Earl of Tormau. A man who is currently in rebellion and has turned this settlement into an armed camp.


Earl Denyl Linnaeus rules Tormau directly; however, his younger brother Vavryse acts constable in his absence.

The Castle Chamberlain is Nykkal Claswith, the Earl trusted and somewhat mysterious foreign advisor.


The settlement is has a remarkable degree of religious freedom. It contains temples to Agrik and Sarajin and even a shrine to Peoni. Only the worship of Larani and Naveh is illegal.


Tormau hosts a large standing army and is well garrisoned.

The Army of Hohnamshire

This includes many of the former 300 strong Royal guards dismissed by King Chafin III when he claimed his throne.

3 companies of Light Calvary, many of them pardoned brigands.

3 companies of the Warriors of the Bloody Mace.

5 companies Ivinian Warband complete with four warboats.

150 Kuboran tribesmen.

Industry & Trade

Tormau’s controls trade with the Kubora Barbarians.

It produces excellent ships and charcoal and trades in timber, herbs, and pelts.


The town has an excellent anchorage and shipbuilding facilities.

A town wall is in its early stages of construction.


Castle Tormau, nearby manors, and fortifications.

Buildings of Note

Temple of Sarajin (Clan Hasryn) - Built over the ruins of a temple of Morgath, raised over 100 years ago. Rumor has it that the catacombs contain various horrific entities.

White Stoat Inn - Best in the Town.

Temple of Agrik (Order of the Fuming Gate) - A number of Copper Hook guards are always present.

Shrine of Peoni - Maintained by a few priestesses of the Order of the Balm of Joy. They receive some financial support from the Earl.


405TR - Built as a legionary keep for the Corani Empire.

588TR - Hugai Lynnaeus seized power when the Theocracy of Tekhos collapsed, becoming the King of Tormau.

630TR - Clan Lynnaeus was on good terms with the nearby Kuboran tribes so when Arlun the Barbarian ‘’besieged’’ Tormau they quickly surrendered and were able to keep all their holdings as part of the newly formed Kingdom of Rethem.

721TR - Chafin III the King of Rethem declares Tormau an outlaw.


Tormau is the starting point of the Scarlet Ribbon, a trade route between the civilized west and the various tribes of the north.

It also is western Hârn's major whaling Port.


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