Session 019 - Then You Will Die Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 019 - Then You Will Die

General Summary

Date 20th Larane (5) to 3th Agrazhar (6) 720TR (Summer)

The story so far

Quazzy is attempting to infiltrate the Church of Naveh so that she can undermine their plans. After making contact, they demand a demonstration of commitment. She must murder one of her friends.

The heroes start planning a grand deception.

Continuation of Session 18 - Plots in Plots.

Part 1 - The Insane Gladiator.

Late at night when the heroes were on their way back to their tavern, out of the crowds an enraged Gladiator, Mylukas the Gouger, announces loudly that Athena killed his sister. He attacks without warning and proves to be a skilled warrior striking with a series of vicious spear attacks but is eventually incapacitated. Then several wild-eyed local children attack.

Quazzy observes the Beggar in a back alley whispering into the ears of some locals, apparently using his ability to inspire rage and hatred. Quazzy calls out to him, and the malicious monster turns into a shadow and retreats.

Part 2 - The Deception.

The group comes up with an elaborate deception plan, they will fake Yurebs murder and recruit Kalin the Rogue, currently residing in the City of Shiran to join the party along with Yureb disguised as Baldrick. So when Yureb is a "killed" it will not be evident that his replacement is Yureb in disguise. Instead, two new characters will join the party.

They take to the road to the City of Shiran to find Kalin.

Part 3 - Visitors at the Inn.

Halfway to Shiran while staying Giddy Mare Inn in the Town of Telen, the heroes quiet drinking is interrupted by a group entering the Inn. Athena immediately recognizes them, retainers of her hated rivals the Hamlen's from the Earldom of Ithiko, lead by Hugh Moris, the chamberlain of Deya Keep and the Knight Sir Thiabaut Demets with three thuggish looking guards. Athena quickly hides in the corner unnoticed.

Yureb notes Hugh is carrying a satchel and decides to steal it. Quazzy approaches Hugh and attempts to get him drunk and seduce him, rather successfully, much to the distaste of the Knight Sir Thibault. Using this distraction, Yureb steals the satchel and opens it finding a sealed letter. This is carefully opened and examined.

To Guildmaster Calag Denore, Shirans most Prestigious Master of Magical Arts.
Dear Guildmaster.
Word has reached me of your legendary skills in water magic.
If you have time, I would be very happy to pay you to investigate the strange corruption occurring in the estuary near my keep at Deya. Over the last two years the mangroves, of which I harvest the famed Stygian Dye, are dying.
The priests believe it is a magical curse or blight. I believe it may be related to the looted barrow mounds upstream. In any event, I will pay well for you to investigate and come up with a solution.
Yours faithfully
Baron Rarval, Lord of Deya, Haudy, and Avonel.
Knight of the Realm and Loyal subject of King Chafin III of Rethem.

Using his forgery skills; Yureb fixes the seal and returns the letter. During the rest of the night, Yureb challenges Hugh to various games of cards and wins most of Hugh's funds, mostly due to Quazzy using her telepathy to cheat.

Next morning the party decides to race to Shiran and attempt to meet with Guildmaster Calag Denore and subvert Hughs plans.

Part 4 - At the Wizards Guild

At Shiran the party finds their way to the Lodge of the River Magics a small Guild of Arcane Lore. Yureb using illusion magic disguises himself as an elf and is able to meet with Guildmaster Calag Denore and warns him that Hugh Moris will be arriving shortly and is not to be trusted. He convinces the Guildmaster Calag that Hugh and his employer, Baron Hamlen are unreliable will not be able to pay any debts.

The next morning when Hugh arrives Quazzy, in the disguise of Ziggy, demonstrates magic and is granted access to the guildhall and overhears an argument between Hugh and Calag. Calag refuses to offer any help, and Hugh leaves angrily.

Part 5 - Envoy

Athena visits the Crimson Dancer Hostel and meets with Aldellea Zelian the sisterhoods envoy and chief diplomat in the west. Athena is praised for her recruiting efforts, assuring her that her efforts have been reported back to the Grandmistress of the Order.

Part 6 - The Bull Ring

Yureb locates The Bull Ring, the location where Kalin said he would be found. It is a seedy gaming den and locates Kalin who agrees to assist for 100sp per month and 10% share of any treasure. He agrees to arrive at Coranan shorty after Yureb is murdered. The group then travel back to Coranan.

Part 7 - Then You Will Die

To fake Yureb's murder, the party requires a body. Athena identifies a particularly thuggish member of the Order of the Cohorts of Gashang who is in debt. At night Quazzy and Yureb in disguise pretending to be debt collectors and were able to trick him into a back alleyway where Athena ambushes him. Moving the unconscious body into Quazzys hovel, they have a quick interrogation but don't learn anything particularly new. Quazzy kills him, and they set up the death of Yureb.

Next day at the market, Yureb is found sitting on a barrel, packed with the dead body in Yureb's clothes, flammable oil, and some flash powder. Quazzy walks by and they start to argue. Quazzy gestures, and puts on a display of using magic, Yureb using sleight of hands lights the fuse in the barrel and as it explodes in flame and smoke tumbles skillfully away using the chameleon properties of his cloak to hide in the nearby trees. The crowd and market security confront Quazzy who then uses her magic to escape.


To all observers, it looks like Yureb was murdered by Quazzy using magic as all performances were particularly good. Quazzy finds a note under her door saying ''Well done. You will receive instructions shortly". Additionally, Quazzy's public display of magic in the market was noticed by the Guild of Arcane Lore, and she has been declared a Renegade.

A few days later Kalin and Baldrick (Yureb in disguise) arrive in town, joining Athena and Quazzy.

Missions/Quests Completed

Quazzy successfully faked the Murder of Yureb.

Character(s) interacted with

Mylukas the Gouger - A famous Gladiator known for his finishing move of gouging out the eyes of his fallen foes.

The Beggar - Evil Gytevsha troublemaker.

Kalin the Rogue - Thief for hire living in the City of Shiran.

Hugh Moris - Chamberlain of Deya Keep, in the Earldom of Ithiko.

Sir Thiabaut Demets - Elder brother of the Lady Clan Hamlen and retainer to Baron Rarval Hamlen.

Calag Denore - Guildmaster of the Lodge of the River Magics and a retired river pilot. Has expertise in the magic of rivers, particularly the River Thard.

Aldellea Zelian - Crimson Dancer Knight and Envoy with some skills in Diplomacy.

Created Content

The City of Shiran - also known as The City of Sin.

Crimson Dancer Hostel - Unassuming Hostel and diplomatic post for the Order of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Guildhall of Arcane Lore, Odivshe - A Magical institute dedicated to the magic of Water and the study of rivers.

The Bull Ring - A rough tavern, gambling den, and fight club.

Related Reports

Clan Hamlen - Updated.

List of Renegade Spellcasters - Updated to include Quazzy.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
10 Feb 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

NPCs meet

The Begger, Gytevsha Demon

Kalin, Thief Henchman

Kalin, art by Paizo

Cover image: Forbidden Pathways by Attacus


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