Session 056 - Secrets, On and Underwater Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 056 - Secrets, On and Underwater

General Summary

3 to 6 of Kelen (3) (Spring) 721TR


The story so far

Acheron is a member of the secretive Argent Order investigating a missing member of his organization and recover his Silver Sword.

The trail leads back to his home City of Golotha and the mysterious Assassin the Smiler. The Smiler is dead, killed by the heroes, and Acheron has little in the ways of clues. He decides to investigate further among the Smiler's acquaintances.

Meanwhile, Sabretooth intends to visit the Cities temple dedicated to his creator, the god Ilvir.

Part 1 - Church of the Glory of Ilvir

Order of Pia-Gardith.png
Sabretooth visits the Church of the Glory of Ilvir the cities beleaguered temple of God Ilvir. This temple of the Order of Pia-Gardith is dedicated to the study of Ilvir's Ivashu creations and exposing them to the world. Sabretooth quickly becomes the center of attention as half dozen yellow robes Priests enthusiastically want to study him.

He also learns that this Church supplies Hygith to the Blood Pit at the Trident Inn and that it is believed that the piranha-like Ivashu are happy with their lot. However, a priest was accidentally devoured by them not too long ago.
The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
10 Nov 2019
Primary Location
The Church also confesses it occasionally supply Ivashu to the local Gladiatorial Area. This is to expose the general population to the "Wonders of Ilvir" and keep on the good side of the murderous Agrikian church, which runs the Pamesani Games.

High Priest Iztack
The Temple's High Priest Iztack is an unusual character, a former Slave Gladiator who happily says that he was divinely inspired after battling and killing Ivashu in the Gladiatorial Ring. After winning his freedom, he became a priest and quickly voted High Priest because of his intimidating appearance and reputation. The temple believes fewer priests or worshipers were likely to disappear if he was seen to be in charge.

The party does have some concerns, and things do not seem to add up. In any case, Sabretooth is welcomed, and the priests volunteer to teach him how to read and write.

Part 2 - The Heralds

Clan Amekyn, art by Attacus
The heroes then visit the Manse of the Sanguine Saltire the Cities Herald's College. This is the repository of the Geneology, Titles, and Code of Arms for all important organizations and families on the Hârnic isles, although this guildhall specializes in those for the Kingdom of Rethem Acheron and Avon pay an exorbitant fee to have access to the records.

Acheron finds a family that was wiped out when the Agrikian Forces invaded Themeson 14 years ago. Clan Amelyn, who owned some lands and a Mine, had an heir who would have been around Acheron's Age.

Acheron is considering impersonating this man and claiming his lands and Mine for himself.

Part 3 - The Cannibal and the Crone

Pesnela the Blind Crone
Asking around the docks, the party learns that the Smiler is frequently associated with three people living in the underworld under Northaven Wharf. These were Shurgen “the Cannibal,” the Psychic Pesnela the Blind Crone, and the strange foreigner Ja-an-Ara who lives on the converted fishing boat the Golden Swan.

The locals fear Shurgen "the Cannibal," with stories of him being shipwrecked decades ago and survived by feeding on his shipmates. He is an intimidating man but does not appear to know any of the Smiler's secrets. Acheron does note what looks like human body parts lying nearby hidden under a canvas. He indicates he knows the cannibal's secrets but leaves peacefully.

The Psychic Pesnela is willing to read the heroes' future, but Acheron fearing she may see through his false identity, decides to avoid her.

Part 4 - The Golden Swan

The party is invited on the Golden Swan by the foreigner Ja-an-Aral. He was interested in meeting the killers of the Smiler.

His boat is decorated with exotic banners and goods. They learn that the Smiler tended to talk while drunk, and he claims to know what happened to the man Acheron is searching for. However, the Smiler was to give him a map, and he is willing to divulge what he knows if the party supplies him with the map he wants.

The City district known as The Compound has seven magnificent townhouses, each enclosed by tall walls. These are used exclusively by the Heptarchial Council Ja-an-Aral believes there is a secret underground passage connecting some of these buildings. He wants the party to map out these passages, believing that there is an access point to the tunnels from the currently vacant townhouse formerly occupied by the Heptarch of Halea.

Part 5 - The Compound

The party consider their options and decide to disguise themselves as officials undertaking an inspection on the property for the Halean Church. Acheron creates excellent disguises, false paperwork, and church badges. The party then approach the building with Avon pretending to be the inspector with Acheron and Sabretooth as guards. They are immediately intercepted by two Order of the Warriors of Mameka guards on patrol, but they easily bluff their way past them.

At the building gates, Avon quickly and discreetly picks the locks, and the party gains entry to the townhouse. It is a beautiful building, three stories tall, and roses grow along the walls to the roof. The lawns and gardens are overgrown, and Sabretooth's Dog Cujo sees a black and white Cat and attempts to attack it. Sabretooth manages to hold on to his leash while the feline escapes. Avon picks the lock of the door of the townhouse, and the party enters the deserted building.

After some searching, they find a hidden trap door, guarded by a spear trap, leading to underground passages. These are filled with water to chest height, and the party wade in and are almost immediately attacked by huge diseased rats. They are quickly killed, but Avon takes a nasty bite, which begins to fester.

Part 6 - The Ghost of a Dead Priestess

Later the party sees a Golden Necklace on the floor, then suddenly, a beautiful ghostly woman appears. She was a Priestess of Halea and demanded to know "Where is Sebastian?" she starts to become angry and more insistent. The party, having no idea who Sebastian is, tells her that he is dead or on a mission, angers her. Suddenly, she transforms into a terrifying apparition; however, all of the heroes resist running in terror. She attacks with her withering flesh touch, but Acheron strikes, empowered by divine energy, hits her hard. Distressed, she flies into Sabretooth's body and possesses him, making him attack the party, all the while screaming, "Where is Sebastian?" Eventually, Sabretooth is knocked unconscious, and the ghostly priestess leaves his body and flees. The golden necklace disappears with her.

Part 7 - Other Entrances

The party then travels further down the passages finding three exits up, two of which are behind gates and a side passage that opens to the river. They encounter three oily blobs of metal dissolving Oozes floating in the water. These seem to possess some strange psionic/mental attacks, which gives Sabretooth quite a headache, but they were dispatched before any metal weapons or armor were damaged.

Part 8 - The Lost Brother

The party then exits the underground passageways and the townhouse. Sabretooth's Dog Cujo nearly attracts undue attention when he again wanted to chase after the local cat when the party was about to leave the compound.

The next day, they report back to Ja-an-Aral and draw him a map of all of their discoveries. The map shows hidden entrances to three of the townhouses used by the Heptaches of Morgath. Notably, one entrance is believed to open to a townhouse used as the Temple of Morgath's treasury.

Ja-an-Aral is satisfied with the map and tells Acheron what he knows.

The Smiler was transporting some gem to the City of Coranan, to Senator Baloth Nemirina, to be used in a summoning ceremony. The man Acheron is looking for intercepted him and would have killed him, but the Smiler was saved by several Navean Assassins led by Senator Baloth.

Ja-an-Aral believes the man's Silver Sword was captured by Baloth and is likely still hidden somewhere in the Senator's Mansion. He was told that whatever ceremony they were planning was botched, and the Senator was killed.

To be continued next week......

NPC Interactions

High Priest Iztack.

Koriden - A the boatman who ferried the party between vessels.

Shurgen “the Cannibal.”

Pesnela, the Blind Crone - Psychic.

Ja-an-Aral - The strange foreigner.

Challenges Overcome

5 Giant Diseased Rats.

Ghost of a Halean Priestess.

3 Grey Oozes.

Reward Granted

Learned valuable information.

Created Content

Church of the Glory of Ilvir - Temple of Ilvir.

Order of Pia-Gardith.

Manse of the Sanguine Saltire - The Heralds Guild.


Heptarchial Council.

The Compound.

Order of the Warriors of Mameka.

Related Reports

The Trident Inn.

City of Golotha - Updated.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 4 Thief, gained Thief Level.

Acheron - Level 2 Paladin and Level 2 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, gained Warlock Level.

Sabretooth - Level 3 Ivashu Lord and Level 1 Monk, gained Ivashu Lord Level.

Cover image: by Attacus


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