The Compound Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

The Compound

Much of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games.

The official residence of the cities ruling Heptarchial Council. These large buildings are among the finest the city has to offer.

The Compound is a walled island. The seven heavily guarded homes here are owned by the Heptarchial Council and reserved for the private use of the Heptarchs.

Residence of the Heptarch of Agrik

This residence of the chairman of the council Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, who is also the Agrikian Primate, the grandmaster of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel and a powerful baron in his own right.

The Order of the Warriors of Mameka patrol the Compound constantly and use this residence as a barracks. At any given time, there are two Knights on patrol, and at least another 8 Warriors of Mameka knights are available on short notice to deal with any disturbance.

Residence of the Heptarch of the Mangai (Merchants Guild)

Heptarch Parqu Aerth residence is not often used as he has a larger townhouse nearby. He uses this to building to entertain houseguests and rumored to be his mistress.

Residence of the Heptarch of Halea

The Beautiful three-story building is currently vacant and shuttered. Red roses grow up to the roof, and the lawns and gardens are overgrown.

Residence of the First Heptarch of Morgath

The Khala-Gekesa and high ranking temple priests use this fine home for entertaining nobility.

Residence of the Second Heptarch of Morgath

The Khala-Khida lives in this magnificent, tile-roofed, three-story stone house.

Residence of the Third Heptarch of Morgath

The Khala-Morvrin is seldom seen using this dark, spooky house and at then only at night.

Resdience of the Fourth Heptarch of Morgath

The Khala-Agash is the Council Treasurer. This two-story stone house serves as the chief treasury of the Morgathian Church in Golotha and is isolated from the other buildings in the compound. Priests frequently visit and guards go in but hardly are ever seen leaving.

House, Large
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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