Session 081 - Return to the Mines of Death Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 081 - Return to the Mines of Death

General Summary

15th of Nuzyael (Spring) 722TR

The story so far

While taking part in an exorcism of a powerful cursed magical weapon, the Heroes are threatened by a Demon. He demands that they break the magic circle holding him at bay. The party refuses, and suddenly everything goes dark. They have been transported somewhere else.

The continuation of Sessions 80 - The Lost Exorcist and 64 - Escaping the Mines of Death.

Location - Izora Mines?

Part 1 - Where Are We?

The characters find themselves glowing with light in darkened, greyish rocky chambers in different locations. Undead monstrosities immediately attack them. Sabretooth (and his pet Ivashu Smeg) face an undead Hru (Rock giant), Avon an Ogre Zombie, and Acheron, two Orc Zombies and two Human undead. The Human undead are wearing tattered uniforms of the Company of Dead Men. The Heroes defeated this organization in the Izora Mines months ago when they infiltrated the evil mercenary army. The party appears to have been "teleported" back into this Mine.

Acheron and Sabretooth defeat their opponents while Avon runs and finds the Mine's central shaft. With the Giant Zombie closing in and another appearing, he jumps down to the level below. More human Zombies and Skeletons are waiting for him there. Luckily Sabretooth and Smeg are nearby and join the fight, and the undead soon dispatched.

Part 2 - Old Enemies

Quartermaster Mauger, art by Paizo
Agonery, art by Paizo
Sabertooth examines the old waterfall in this cavern. Avon had redirected the water flow in his previous visit, flooding the passages below, then blocked it with Ice. This trapped and most likely killed the remaining contingent of the Company of Dead Men. But the Ice is still there months later and not cold at all, more like Crystal. Enraged, Sabretooth smashed some, and suddenly the undead form of Quartermaster Mauger leaps out of the hole he created. The heroes battle this life-draining monster and another undead version of Corporal Argonery who also emerges from the crystal. They are eventually dispatched.

Meanwhile, Acheron, who is higher up in the Mine, fights his way through a multitude of the undead. He attempts to magically disguise himself as a Zombie. However, this fails as he is still glowing like a beacon. Trapped and surrounded in a tight passageway, he Turns Undead, and the Zombies surrounding him flee. Acheron then quickly makes his way down the mine.

Elexiendra aka Adela
Before Sabretooth and Avon can rest, they are attacked again, this time by the undead Adela, Priestess of Morgath. This Drow Warlock/Priestess quickly cripples Smeg. Sabretooth is temporarily charmed, and Avon is struck by bolts of darkness, nearly taking him down. He retreats and hides among the rocks. Sabretooth recovers from the charm and furiously attacks, nearly destroying her, but she counters with a Vampiric Touch stealing much of his life energy, taking him out of the fight. Healed, Adela turns to face Acheron, who has finally arrived at the last minute. Avon attacks from the shadows, and Acheron uses the last of his Holy Smite to strike her down.

Now the heroes have time for a brief rest.

To be continued.....
The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
10 May 2020
Primary Location

The Company of Dead Men

Company of Dead Men, art by Columbia Games

Smeg the Nukaz

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png

Nukaz, by Attacus

NPC Interactions

Dead versions of Quartermaster Mauger, Corporal Argonery and Adela, Drow Priestess of Morgath.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated 7 Orc Zombies, 5 Skeletons, 9 Human Zombies, 2 Orge Zombies, 1 Hru Zombie, and 3 Modified Wrights.

Related Reports

Izora Mines.

The Company of Dead Men.

Kliagragon Donir - the Sword that Devours.

Morsindari - The Drow or Dark Elves.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 6 Thief, gained Thief Level.

Acheron - Level 3 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, gained Warlock Level.

Sabretooth - Level 4 Ivashu Lord and Level 2 Monk, gained Monk Level

Cover image: by Attacus


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