Dame Lyesa Garavania

Dame Lyesa Garavania

A Crimson Dancer knight recruited from the Harbaalnese Kingdoms at a young age.

Lyesa range of useful Psionic skills, combined with her highly trained martial abilities, make her a formidable opponent.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, strong and moves with lethal grace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Recruited from the Kingdom of Harbaal, Lyesa's noble born mother angered the Guild of Arcane Lore for some undisclosed reason. Lyesa was taken in at age 11 by the Crimson Dancers and trained as a warrior.

She was knighted in 717TR and given the role of liaison with the Earl of Tormau, offering military support from the Crimson Dancers in the event of a Rethemi civil war, in return for the promise of lands.

She is also planning an operation in the City of Golotha, to seize a temple from the Order of the Eight Demons, if the opportunity presents itself.


Her mother, a powerful, likely renegade spellcaster has trained her in a range of the psionic skills including Psychometry (ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them) and a range of Psychic Defenses and Attacks.

Trained in all martial weapons and several Battle Dances.


Crimson Dancer liaison and recruiter.

Morality & Philosophy

A coldblooded killer.

Personality Characteristics


Promote the ideas of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancers.

Help her mother with her magical experiments.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates organized magic guilds.

Personality Quirks

Speaks with a strong foreign accent.


Family Ties

Supportive of her mother and happy assist with her experiments.

Current Location
Castle of Tormau
Probably Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
697 TR 31 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages




Harbaalese (a little).

Sorkyni (a little)


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