The Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games and Hârn Religion Team (HRT) Archive.

Mamaka is the Holy Smith of Balgashang, is an important figure in the Agrikan faith, who withstood a series of trials and ordeals to achieve his place at Agrik's side.

The Mamekan art by Artbreeder
His human descendant, the Mamaka, is the forge master at Bedenes Keep. The priest-artificers of the Masters of Steel use formulas recorded in the Trials of Mamaka, their holy scripture, to produce some of the terrifying weapons, including the fabled Mamakan Blades and various types of Alchemical grenades.

The Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, is the most politically powerful Agrikan clerical order on Hârn, even though it controls few lands outside its temple in the City of Golotha.

The Masters of Steel sponsors the greatly feared Warriors of Mameka fighting order who utilize alchemy grenades and superb quality sword.


Temple in the City of Golotha.

Bedenes Keep and the holy forge held by the Order of the Warriors of Mameka.


420TR - The Order of Khamar was popular with the Corani legions, to which it provided skilled weaponsmiths. It was instrumental in Corani Empires' expansion in the west.

489TR - The Amanasurif (Agrikian pontiff) declared the Order of Khamar heretical, and the order went into hiding.

634TR - Arlun the Barbarian founds the Kingdom of Rethem. The Order of Khamar, now a secret cult, rebranded themselves as the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, and were among the first Agrikan worshipers to side with him. Warriors of Mameka officially form at the same time.

689TR - Following a series of assassinations, the grandmaster of the Order of Mamaka seizes the office of Apalankh, the Primate of Hârn. The office has been held by the order ever since.

714TR - Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, the current grandmaster, ascended to Apalankh.

717TR - It is widely believed that the Masters of Steel was responsible for destroying the Order of the Pillar of Fire, who may have been planning a coup.


The Warriors of Mameka provide more than adequate protection. The priest-artificers are also capable in a fight and are equipped with Alchemical weapons.

Mythology & Lore

The Legend of Mamaka

Mamaka was the first mortal to discover the art of working metal. He used this newfound knowledge to make weapons of such strength that none could stand against his tribe. With Mamaka's weapons, his people became masters of the lands surrounding them, mercilessly crushing all who refused to pay them tribute.

One day, an enemy tribe kidnapped Mamaka to extract the secret of working metal by force. Though he was subjected to the most brutal and painful tortures, Mamaka remained silent. After weeks of agony, Mamaka died, cursing his captors and prophesying that they would die like dirty animals at the hands of his people.

Agrik was impressed by the usefulness of Mamaka's invention and his indomitable spirit. He claimed the smith's soul and brought him to Balgashang to serve as his weaponcrafter.

Though once mortal, Mamaka is now regarded as a demigod. Mamaka bears a variety of epithets, of which "Master of Steel" is the most common.

Tenets of Faith

The “Service of Ordeal”

These services, open only to Warriors of Mameka and acolytes, include the sacrifice of blood and pain with mental or physical torture and reenactments of events described in the Trials of Mamaka.

The “Greater Ordeal”

Open to clergy only, these services include elaborate martial rituals and human torture and sacrifice, often in addition to self-flagellation and more extreme examples of the personal sacrifice of blood and pain.

Personal Sacrifice of Blood and Pain

Mamakan ritual makes wide use of self-flagellation with a barbed whip.

The Anasi-armahnh

Priests of the order wear the anasi-armahnh, a leather band half a hand wide with metal spines fixed to its inner surface. It is tied tightly in place, high on the left thigh, causing a considerable sacrifice of blood and pain. Some Anasi-armahnh are elaborate and said to provide magical properties.


The Mamakan's have developed their own secret language of elaborate hand signs called Ashekal. Their temple is silent except for the screams of sacrificial victims and the clammer of anvils and forges.

Surikal, the Agrikan secret language, is taught, but rarely used.

Forged by Craft.

Tempered by Discipline.

Honed by Ordeal.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Predecessor Organization
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Mamekan Blades, Alchemical Weapons and Martial Arts

Cover image: by Attacus
Character flag image: by Columbia Games


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