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Aether Circle

The Aether Circle is a religious order of mages who worship 1- The Magician, 5- The Hierophant, and 8- Strength with views of trying to understand Aethereal Winds as a living thing controled by The Fates. The religion itself tends to picky about its members, only allowing those who have some magical ability to join and learn their ways. As such, their religion is still rather small compaired to others. Gnomes tend to have a strong prescence in the church.


The church is organized into different groups, who are based on the Known Magic Types. Each group votes for the Head of the group, who speak for the behalf of the group in orders of theories and debates. Those who can cast multiple types of magic are allows to be members of multiple groups.

Mythology & Lore

The Aether Circle do beleive that The Fates created the universe that Moirai exist in, but only in the aspect of The Elemental Chaos. They beleive that all other material beyond chaos came about as a result of Aether forming it, both the universe itself and the aspects of The Veil. There might be some credit to this theory as Aether does have the property to be able to affect almsot everything.

Cosmological Views

The Aetheral Circle believe that The Elemental Planes is a manfestation of the conflict between the different Known Magic Types, which is a result of the division of power of 8- Strength, 1- The Magician, and 5- The Hierophant. The current theory they beleive is that these three Fates used to be one entity which was split as a result of the creation of Moirai and the seperation of the planes.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Fates created magic to allow their creations to flourish
  • Understanding your magic is of the utmost importance
  • Understanding the magic of others will expand your understanding of your own. 
  • Places of great magic are to be protected and studied. 


Religious, Cult
Related Species


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