Asfridd Dunaid-Halsfaid (ohs-frid)

Queen Asfridd Dunaid- Halsfaid

Asfridd was born the daughter of Jarl Gorin Halsfaid, one of the Northlander jarls of Hrafnel. The daughter of a Northlander jarl, Asfridd was raised to demonstrate strength and skill in fighting to be able to take her father's role as jarl upon his passing.   After Lugh Dunaid's fighting back against the Oleander Throne and the return of the Guardians of the Isle, the petty kings and jarls all believed that they needed to unite under one High Monarch, as a united Isles could better defend against their enemies. Lugh Dunaid was named High King and the jarls submitted to his rule. However, it was not long before the jarls began to claim that the Daoine High King favored the Daoine petty kings over the Northlander's jarls.   Jarl Gorin Halsfaid was approached to help mend the tensions and he offered his daughter's hand in marriage to the High King, hoping that it would symbolize a union between the peoples. Asfridd accepted her duty to the Isles and married the High King in 260 DR, but had never wished for the arrangement. She spent her time with the High King advocating for the Northlanders. Having trained to become a jarl, she was very savvy with her politics and understanding of what appeased the Northlanders.   In 263, Asfridd gave birth to her daughter, Aislinn, who was raised with the knowledge of both Daoine and Northlander peoples. Then, in 268 DR, Asfridd died while birthing her son, Prince Lugh II. Her passing weighed upon Lugh, but further, it weighed upon the relations between the Daoine and Northlanders.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of the Moontide Isles
Date of Birth
10 Raventide
Date of Death
23 Raventide
243 DR 268 DR 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in childbirth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs.