Lugh Dunaid Character in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Lugh Dunaid

High King Lugh Dunaid

Lugh Dunaid was a humble farmer and druid whose grove was on the isle of Glanmoor. However, when the Oleander Throne began to push out from Ilfor to conquer the Isles, his grove was destroyed. It is said that he bathed in a Moonwell as he prayed to the gods to help him turn back the advancing Oleander forces. Popular and charismatic, he quickly raised groups of Daoine to fight back against the Oleander forces, but it was not enough. Ships from the mainland approached the Isles carrying more men than the Daoine would be able to hold off.   It is said that Lugh was visited by Elmas, the unicorn guardian of the Isles, whom he made a pledge to in order to turn back the enemies of the Isles. The Great Leviathan rose again from the waters and destroyed the Oleander ships before they could make land and Lugh sailed to Ilfor, the isle colonized by the Oleander Throne. There the Wild Hunt rose up and followed him as he lead them from town to town as the hounds and horsemen slew any who followed the All-Father and spared those who still believed in the Old Gods of the Daoine and Northlanders.    After the Oleander Throne was turned back from the Isles, the people called for Lugh to become High King, to unite the petty kings and the Northlanders under one rule so they could stand up against the enemies of the Isles. Lugh Dunaid was named High King of the Moontide Isles and he ruled over a time of relative peace. He took a Northlander wife, Asfridd Halsfaid, daughter of Jarl Gorin Halsfaid, to symbolize the union of the Daoine and the Northlanders.    Queen Asfridd bore Aislinn Dunaid, their daughter in 263 DR, and several years later in 268 DR, she died in childbirth as she bore Lugh II, their son.   After Asfridd's passing, the Northlanders began to rumble that the High King favored the Daoine's petty kings more than the Northlander's jarls. Tensions rose and a new leader among the Northlanders appeared. She called herself the Ice Maiden and she began to unite the Northlanders together, believing that it was their right to raid and conquer the isles.   Fearing the onset of war, Lugh abdicated the throne to his daughter, Aislinn in 282 DR. It was his belief that she, half-Daoine and half-Northlander, would be better to unite the peoples of the Isles as High Queen. After abdicating his rule, Lugh returned to his druidic practices, going to Myrloch Vale to commune and study. However, in 285 DR Lugh entered a portal to the Feywild and has not returned. Many believe he was called to the Feywild, perhaps to fulfill the promise that he made once before to the unicorn, Elmas. Others believe that he will return again when he is needed, to awaken the Guardians of the Isles once more to protect the Isles from its enemies.
Current Status
Unknown and in the Feywild.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
10 Glanmoorhope
Year of Birth
235 DR 53 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs
Druidic follower of the Old Gods