Court of Mist and Petrichor

The Court of Mist and Petrichor exists in a realm veiled in perpetual fog. The landscape is a shifting tapestry of dew-kissed meadows, ancient forests, and winding rivers, all shrouded in thick mist. The air is always cool and damp, filled with the fresh scent of earth after rain—an aroma that lingers, evoking memories of rebirth and renewal. This court embodies the mysterious and transient nature of spring, where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blur.   Ruled by The Shroud of Unnerving Mist, an archfey without a humanoid form, the court is a place where the physical and the ephemeral coexist. The Shroud is an entity of pure mist, an ever-present fog that flows through the court like a living thing. It is not a being one can see, but rather one that is felt—a presence that chills the skin, dampens the breath, and whispers in the breeze. The Shroud’s will is communicated through the subtle shifts in the mist, where a slight change in density or direction can carry commands or express emotions. Those who dwell within the court must learn to interpret these shifts, for to misunderstand the Shroud is to invite danger.   The fey who reside in the Court of Mist and Petrichor are beings of mystery and fluidity, reflecting their ruler’s nature. Elusive Will-o’-the-Wisps flicker through the fog, leading or misleading travelers as they please. Naiads glide silently beneath the mist-covered waters, their forms barely visible as they merge with the shifting haze. Sprites with wings that shimmer like droplets of water on a spider’s web dart through the air, their laughter echoing faintly through the fog. The court’s inhabitants are guardians of secrets, keepers of knowledge hidden in the mists, and guides to those who seek truth.   The Shroud’s rule is one of patience and subtlety. It is a ruler that values observation over action, preferring to study and understand before revealing itself. The Court of Mist and Petrichor is a place where nothing is ever fully clear, where answers are elusive and certainty is rare. Yet, within this obscurity lies the beauty of the court—a place where life’s mysteries are embraced and where the scent of petrichor signals the endless cycle of growth and decay.   Those who venture into the Court of Mist and Petrichor must tread carefully, for the mists conceal both wonders and dangers. To offend the Shroud is to risk becoming lost in the fog, trapped in an endless maze of mist where time and space lose meaning. But for those who show respect and understanding, the court offers glimpses of profound truths, hidden beneath layers of vapor and shadow.

Demography and Population

The Court of Mist and Petrichor is home to a variety of fey beings that embody the essence of mist, dew, rain, and the mysterious allure of fog-covered landscapes. Fey beasts of all kinds reside in the realm and small settlements of spring eladrin reside throughout the land. Will-o'-the-wisps flicker in the fog often leading travelers toward fogbound hounds or mist wraiths. Mist sprites, meanwhile, glow in a similar manner, trying to assist travelers to navigate the uneending mists. Lichen golems, forms of stone that have been animated by the moss and lichen that cover them, serve as the guardians and enforcers of the court. Naiads exist in the hidden pools as well as within the mist itself.


  • No open flames.
  • No direct sunlight.
  • Do not disturb the slumbering mists.
  • No trespassing in sacred groves.
  • Respect the rain callers.

The mists whisper.

Court, Noble
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members