Mr. Goety's Traveling Carnival Cacaphony

Mr. Goety's Traveling Carnival Cacaphony is a carnival that travels through the Baeddon and Glanmoor putting on carnival shows during their travels. They have a semi-regular route, including have set holiday stops. One such stop is Caer Craftenor where they perform during the celebration of the Poc Fair. The carnival has a number of acts and workers who travel with the carnival full-time, however, they typically pick up locals for day work to set up and break down the carnival. The carnival is run by the halfling, Mr. Goety, who has a very strict no-questions-asked policy when it comes to his employees.   While acts and attractions come and go, the ten-in-one tent is a staple attraction with a roster of acts that remain with the carnival for a while before moving on. A carousel, a dragon flight ride, and a ferris wheel are the marvel rides that travel with the carnival. Most of the booths operate shady games that are typically rigged in the carnival's favor.   The carnival will typically send a few members of the troupe into town to coercise the guard with bribes or sexual favors in order to have them turn a blind eye toward them during their stay. After hours, the ten-in-one tent transforms into a cootch show where illicit activities are bought from the workers.