Baeddan Geographic Location in Moontide Isles | World Anvil


Baeddan is the most fey-touched of the Moontide Isles. When the Fey first entered the Moontide Isles, they first entered on Baeddan and it was there in the Myrloch Vale that they created their first settlement, Sarifal, which would become the crown and capital of their kingdom. The walls between the Feywild and Baeddan were always weakest and in centuries past they often overflowed into one another. Even after the retreat of the Fey back to the Feywilds, the land here holds its close connection and thin barrier and the lands here still bear the effects of the Feytouch after these long centuries.   Today druids are drawn to Baeddon as the land here has strength and ties beyond most lands. The Myrloch Vale seems closest to the Feywilds and the land there is rich and fertile and has remained untouched, instead fostering in its natural state. And, although there are three human petty kingdoms on Baeddon, none claim Myrloch Vale as their territory, each respecting the untouched splendor of it. Wood Elves inhabit the Winterglen and do not consider themselves under the rule of Petty King Markos Finhold, let alone the rule of the High Queen Aislinn. However, a peaceful truce is held between the elves of Winterglen and the peoples of Baeddon. The marshes along the west of the island are home to a number of tribes of lizardfolk, some of which are peaceful and engage in trade with the Daoine. Llyreth Forest runs along the southern tip of the isle and is inhabited by a number of fey left behind on the island.


  • Eastbridge Vale, circa 288 DR
    A small vale sheltered between the Scarlet Hills and the Wildthorn River. Eastbridge is walled town that was used as an expedition point deeper into Baeddan when it was first formed. Now it serves as the seat for Duke Tertius Greyhall who rules the duchy beneath the Petty Queen Finnea Mirabar.
  • Eastbridge, circa 288 DR
    Town of Eastbridge, circa 288 DR, ruled by Duke Tertius Greyhall.
  • Baeddon (288 DR)
  • Eastbridge, circa 218 DR
    Settlement of Eastbridge, founded by Liam Greyhall in 215 DR, to clear and protect the trade routes between Sisterfall and Caer Cerwynn along the Windthorn River.
  • Kingdom of Kildare
  • Kingdom of Down
  • Eastbridge Vale, circa 218 DR
    A small vale sheltered by the Scarlet Hills and along the Wildthorn River. "East of the Bridge" served as an expedition base for the exploration and settlement of the Vale in hopes of creating trade and commerce routes. The base camp gradually grew to a settlement and then into a small town and was given to Liam Greyhall as his duchy when he was awarded his title of Duke.
  • Kingdom of Louth
  • Caer Cenwynn