Dr. Uliks Kuteli

Doctor Uliks Kuteli

Uliks Kuteli is a Kulgrani cybernetics doctor on Hestia. He runs a free clinic for the poor to keep their cyberware maintained, and to install new cybernetics if needed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Uliks was born into the Kuteli family on Davorma. Due to the status and power of his family, he received an exceptional education in Campolhan medicine and martial arts.   Their mentor was Fando Kibal, a methodical phytochemist and warrior. On the rare chance they got to slip away from their mentor, Uliks enjoyed dancing with other youths.   When they came of age, they married, and joined their husband in the Campolhan-Maestro War, in which they had seventeen confirmed kills. Uliks was transferred to the Anthem System to support the Campolhan fighting humans there. Feeling remorse and seeing the destruction his people did to the planets they seized, he defected and joined The Freebooter's Guild as a shipboard medic.   As a pirate doctor, Uliks supplemented their medical training with an education in cybernetics. During a joint operation between The Freebooter's Guild and The Grand Carnival, he met Efimia Lambras and created a cybernetic arm for her that would allow her to still channel her telekinetic powers. The two have stayed friends ever since.   During a boarding operation against a Suomi Empire ship, Uliks received an injury that permanently disabled his left hand. After receiving a cybernetic implant, he decided to retire from fighting and work as a doctor on The Devil's Orchard. Eventually, he moved to Hestia in order to help the poor there.

Gender Identity

Uliks identifies as tanoi. He uses he/him and they/them pronouns in Human company.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Before his civilian life, Uliks was an accomplished Campolhan warrior turned pirate with 53 confirmed kills.

Morality & Philosophy

Uliks has a strong sense of fairness and is willing to act outside of the law to ensure justice is done.

Personality Characteristics


Uliks wants a family, a closeness to people like they once had in Campolhan society. He wants to help others with his knack for technology.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Uliks excels with technology, especially cybernetics.


Social Aptitude

Uliks has a cool, aloof attitude to mercenaries and other people that make a living from violent acts. To civilians, and especially his patients, he is an optimistic and hopeful person.

Hobbies & Pets

Uliks enjoys ballroom dancing, especially waltz.

Handsome, soft-spoken doctor with a checkered past.

Character Location
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Current Status
Awaiting extraction.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
15998 CE 25 Years old
Current Residence
Short, straight, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark gray skin with black markings
341 cm
221.3 kg
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Greek, Spanish, Kulgrani
Ruled Locations


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