Hestian Republic

The Hestian Republic is divided into two factions: The People's Republican Party and the Democratic Socialism Party. While these two parties have their differences, they are mostly civil with each other and are united in their interest of an economically independent Hestia.
  A dangerous popular Pro-Royalist demagogue recently gained a lot of publicity. The government deployed a military force to suppress an uprising around this demagogue, which has caused further civil unrest in the more pro-traditional regions of the planet.
  Hestian scientists and engineers recently designed a new spike drive that can drill farther and faster than any others known in the sector. The importance of this research is almost immesuarable, and will be a source of conflict in the sector for years to come.
  Dangerous ruins of Hestia's occupation by the Human Worlds Alliance before the Scream exist in high-security areas.


The Hestian Republic is a crowned republic. The Royal Family reigns, does not rule. Almost like a celebrity icon for people to rally around. The head of the Royal Family is called the Exarch.   The Republic's government is ruled by a Senate that determines almost every part of Hestian life. There can be a lot of friction between the different Senate classes, and the corruption and inefficiency of that friction causes most Hestian citizens to dislike and distrust their government. Despite this, the Republic has stood mostly unchallenged during its existence. Ruling over the military and executive affairs are five Governor-Admirals chosen by the Arbitrators from the command staff of Hestia's military. The Governor-Admirals hold this office for five years. Administering Hestian laws are ten Arbitrators, chosen by the Ministers from the elected judges of Hestia's nation-states. The Arbitrators hold this office for four years. The various affairs of agriculture, infrastructure, etc. are looked after by twenty Ministers chosen by the Treasurers from the elected governors of Hestia's nation-states. The Ministers hold this office for three years. The Republic's finances and other administrative duties are looked after by forty Treasurers, elected democratically by the people of Hestia. The Treasurers hold this office for two years.   In times of war, the Governor-Admirals can use emergency powers to call for an election of a Chief Executive. The Arbitrators will decide if this call for election is valid under the Republic's constitution. If not, the Arbitrators will deny the use of emergency powers and the Governor-Admirals must all retire within a year and a new council of Governor-Admirals will be elected. If the use of powers is considered valid by the Arbitrators, then the Arbitrators will hold an emergency election amongst themselves to decide which of the Governor-Admirals will be the Chief Executive.   The Chief Executive is given power to issue Executive Orders, which must be followed, saving for altering the structure of the government. Only the Arbitrators may alter the structure of the government. The Chief Executive will hold this temporary office for a single year, and must retire from the government afterwards. If the Arbitrators, decide that another Chief Executive is needed, they will hold another election.


Hestia is the original planet that the Terran Mandate explored in this sector. The planet was first colonized by people from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. The Hestian Republic was founded in 14040 as the different regions of Hestia came together in the aftermath of the Scream. This Republic, which some call the Fourth Hellenic Republic, has stood ever since. The Republic is made of thirty-seven different countries.   Due to the surviving Exchange Consulate and Shipyards, Hestia is an important nexus of interstellar trade and travel. Hestian shipwrights design some of the most sophisticated spike drives in the sector. Just about any type of person from anywhere in the sector might be found here.   Offworlders are generally accepted and treated like forgivably ignorant locals. They can trade goods and services like any citizen, but cannot own property or vote. Only Planetsiders may be full citizens.   Hestian culture puts a special importance on justice. Hestians are a people of laws, and their republic is a government of laws. Contracts, arbitration, and judgements are respected by the general populace, even if it's begrugingly.   Because of this, Hestian culture is prone to corruption. Many non-officials have powerful influences in the way the Republic governs, and it is hard to make significant changes in multiple parts of the government at the same time.

Αστέρια, Νίκη και Ζωή (Asteria, Niki kai Zoi) (Stars victory and life)

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
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