Azbara Jos

  • Appearance: A man in large red robes.
  • Joined a caravan to Waterdeep in Silverglade on the 24th day of the caravan's journey. Session 7: Horsemeat
  • Rode with the 5th wagon, associated with known cultists.
  • Concealed tattoos under his robe, identifying him as a Red Wizard of Thay.
  • His wagon was heavily warded, noted during the stay in Aenor’s Rest.
  •   **Red Wizards of Thay:** A group of powerful wizards, known for their ambition and magical prowess. They often engage in secretive and sometimes nefarious activities, with a reputation for seeking power and influence.  
  • Assisted Nuri in gathering information about her grandparents using his raven familiar.
  • This assistance occurred on the 48th day of the caravan's journey, during events in Aenor’s Rest. Session 8: Rainy Day Stew
  • Continued north past Waterdeep with the cultists, even after the caravan reached its destination. Session 9: Who Walks Barefoot in a Forest?
  • The nature of his connection to the cultists remains unknown.
  • Species
    Aligned Organization