Session 7: Horsemeat

General Summary

Arrival of Green Imsa - Day 11

  • The nobles group was left at the next town.
  • A green woman named Green Imsa joined the group.

Hobgoblin Ambush - Day 19

  • As the sun set, the caravan leader halted the group due to an issue down the hill.
  • A caravan was surrounded by hobgoblins. The group intervened and dispatched the enemies.
  • Exp: 380 per PC
  • Loot:
  • 50 Gold for each PC as a reward.
  • 75 Gold to Nuri and Conrad each for selling their horses to the caravan.
  • 96 Gold each PC for selling Hobgoblin Armor and Weapons.
  • Nuri spoke with Green Imsa about her green appearance and discovered it was due to a curse.

Silverglade and Peryton Attack - Day 24

  • The caravan reached Silverglade.
  • Eagles overhead were identified by Tristan as perytons. The group harried the perytons away.
  • Exp: 900 (180 per PC)
  • New members joined the caravan:
  • A man in large red robes boarded the 5th wagon, associating with a cultist group. He was later identified as @Azbara Jos.
  • A female gnome in adventuring gear, using threats, joined the cultist on the 6th cart. She introduced herself as Jamna Gleamsilver. While Azbara was more reserved, Jamna was sociable.
  • Rhumor learned Jamna was affiliated with the Zhentarim. Over time, the group realized their goals aligned with hers, leading to a temporary truce.

Eddercap Ambush - Day 44

  • Eddercaps seized the front two wagons, dragging them to a nearby cave.
  • The group pursued and stormed the cave. As they combated the Eddercaps, they were ambushed by giant spiders.
  • Nuri's sleep and chromatic orb spells were crucial in handling the spiders.
  • Conrad Quillwright narrowly avoided death by a spider and used a flaming sphere to block the cave entrance.
  • Rhumor found a strategic vantage point, effectively targeting the adversaries with his arrows.
  • Tristan displayed dexterity, teleporting around the battlefield and combating both spiders and Eddercaps.
  • Groc bravely faced the creatures. He was knocked down by a misdirected chromatic orb but used the momentum to retaliate against the Eddercap.
  • The cultist present in one of the wagons remained inactive during the skirmish.

  • EXP: 600 Per PC



Party Roster:

Level 4 (Druid 4 )
Level 4 (Fighter 4 )
Level 4 (Sorcerer 4)
Level 4 (Rogue 4)
Level 4 (Warlock 4)
Report Date
30 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters