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Peoples of Magic Diversity


They are the most common race on Morteron. As such can be also be seen arrogant or privileged by other races. They were created with one of the convergences Their design created by the God of Body magic himself. Most other races, except the Ancient and Alf races, are descended from mages. For this reason mages are commonly used as the standard of comparison in the visible differences among other races features and proportions.

Cultures of mages greatly vary depends more on the environment and location. However, they are known to settle in permanent settlements such as cities, and town and any of the regions of the world. They also a highly individualistic race and known to follow strong authoritative figures. They are the most widespread of the races.

The other races have specials traits and abilities that seem to give them certain natural aptitudes, powers, advantages and weakness. However, the mage race uniqueness lies in their ability of diversity. All mages are capable of using all the magics, but just to varying degrees of power, knowledge, and types. This degree of proficiency in certain magic is describe as a mage’s affinity. There are 4 levels of affinities , Primary, secondary, tertiary and supplemental.

Also mage cannot control magic as instinctively as those of the other magically blessed race. Thus mages have been one of the races to that greatly value and advance the studies of magic manipulation. This combined, with their natural aptitude for a diverse set of magics have lead mages to be pioneers the the development of magic manipulations, who more commonly understand the possible complexities and potential of magic.

Basic Information


Their features are usually a balance between sharp and rounded feature. Naturally they have what is considered a average build, but this changed with vigorous training. Their skin tones are usually varied between many shades and tints of tan, fair, and dark. Their eyes have white sclera with iris that vary in color between brown, green, or a pale blue.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once they reach sexual maturity they can technically reproduce every 10 months. However, around the age of 45 female can no longer bear children

Growth Rate & Stages

Have a standard growth rate.
  • Child (Age 0-9): Mages have a major growth spurt and learned phase. In this time they usually learn of their magic affinities by the age of 5.
  • Teen (Age 9-20): Mages begin the transition to reproductive maturity between the age of 9-12, and reach sexual maturity by the age 13-15. However, they usually are not don’t physically stop developing till about 20 years of age. At this age their magic is most volatile.
  • Adult (Age 20-40): Most mages are not recognized as adult by society till they are about 20 years of age. They continue it their peak adulthood form for about 15-25 years. Their body is in peak physucal form in this life stage
  • Elder (Age 40+): Mages lowly being to age. Their aging process, which is mostly occurs in the physical weaning of the body. Elders develop wrinkles in the skin and their hair turns gray. Still this is also when their connection to magic is strongest, and their experience allows them a lot more control of magic as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet depends greatly on the culture they are raised in and the availability of food certain foods in their environment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Commonly found in permanent societies such as cities, towns and villages ruled by authoritative figures. However, some cultures are migratory. Social status is typical measured by a combination of economical influence, magical power, and individual charisma.   Mage household typical consists on a husband, and children. Mage families also typically have 3-5 children depending on the status of the parents. Also children live with parent til they are about 18 years of age.

Facial characteristics

Their features are usually a balance between sharp and rounded feature.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mages are common in all regions of Albion

Average Intelligence

Overall Mages are known to have and average inteligence compared to other races. However they are famous for their development of advanced and complex magic manipulation.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Magic Affinity

Primary affinity is the magic which a mage can most proficiently use and can create their strongest magic. This magic is the type of mage will identify themselves as. Meaning a “fire Mage” is a mage with a primary fire magic affinity. Most mages only have 1 primary affinity, but some have multiple primary affinities. Secondary affinities are other magics in which a mage can use a variety of magic manipulations. However, a mages secondary affinity magic is not as strong as their primary affinity. Tertiary affinity magic are magics in which a mage cannot effectively use on its own, but can use in conjunctions with their secondary, and primary magic. For an example a fire mage may not we able to freely use wind magic on its own. But they can use wind magic to enhance their fire magic. In this case wind magic is their tertiary affinity. Lastly there is supplemental affinities. These are the other magic types that are not primary, secondary, or tertiary. Mages cannot use supplemental affinities magics effectively on their own at all. However, their own magic power can be channeled on assist another magical being capable of using said magic. For and example a water mage may not be able to use fire magic in anyway. But they can basically serve as a source that a fire mage can use to strengthen their own fire magic.

Magic affinities and types also seem to runs through bloodline. Thus some bloodline are stronger and certain types are passed down in certain bloodlines. Also while not all mages are automatically born with gifts, any mage have the potential to randomly be born with any of the gifts.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Mages are known to develop advance tools to enchance, control or record their magics
  • Totem: Special enchanted items that assist the user to control, amply, or preload their magic manipulations
  • Magika: Magical books that Machika are magical recording books. They usually contain how to perform or make spells, rituals, concoctions or enchantment.
  • Gatlin : Magical sourced weapon that can fire focused magic or special bullets.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most mages use Common Runes as their writing system for magic manipulations


The gods were having a contest on who could fashion a race that could mimic the diversity of all the magic in the world. Their were two winning designs. Mages and Alfs. Mages were designed by Hun the God of body magic. Harness the magic of a convergence, mages were given the potential to use all the diversity of magic around them. However, mages weren't. First off they were incapable of equally handling all magics at once. Hence their development of magic affinities. Also they were not as able to instinctively control magic. Hence they needed the further development of magic manipulations such as spells, rituals, and enchantments.

Historical Figures

Here are some of the famous Mage bloodines:
  • Sailon: Desendant of Everset Sailo. Ther bloodilne is capable of using all magic as their primary magics
  • Vargraven : Bloodline of Malachai Vargraven and the Ruling Royal family of Blacklin

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mages can mate with any of the intersex races. Half bloods of mages usually appear to just have more subtly feature that full bloods of their other race. However, more importantly, their half mage heritage allows potential access to magic other magics what other races do not have a connection to.

Racial Overview


No one gift is common among mages, but mages have the possibility to have any gift

Potential Magics

Potentially all magics with varying affinities (depends on individual and bloodline)

Magic Resistance

No specific magic resistances

Magic Weakness

No specific magic weakness

Genetic Descendants
85-90 years
Conservation Status
They are the most common race on Morteron
Average Height
6-5 feet
Average Weight
Ii great varies but on average between 135-200 lb
Average Physique
Naturally they have what is considered a average build, but this changed with vigorous training
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones are usually varied between many shades and tints of tan, fair, and dark
Intersex Race   Racially Dominant Areas

Blackstone, Ironstone, Monkep

by Israel Rodriguez

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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