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The Moon Cursed

A race of strong and aggressive humanoids with a second more vicious wolf form. They are descendants of mages and were created during an attempt by a a lunar sage to bind a lunar demigod. Also known as standing wolves, wolfmen, Moon Cursed, and Dog bloods. The titles "standing wolf" and: wolfmen directly refers to their secondary wolf form that appears which can appear to look like merge of a wolf and a human. Though "standing wolf is more of a western term as western Luposari have a more humanoid form and typically walk on two legs. Meanwhile the "wolf man" reference to eastern Luposari as they are more wolf like and tend to run on all fours. The Moon curse title originates direct from their origins which involved the mooncurse ritual. However, it also alludes to their influence of the moon on their behavior. The closer it is to a full moon the more powerful and aggressive Luposari are in both forms. On a full moon untrained or young luposari can be involuntarily transform into their wolf form and can go on rampages. Lastly the title of "dogblood" is meant to be a derogatory name used by individual that see luposari a inferior wild beings. However this title also alludes to their heighten sense and pack mentally similar to a dogs.
  Luposaris tend to form extremely loyal social groups they call their Pack. The pack can be made of any selections of individuals. The can be made blood relatives, friends, and even made of non humans. They follow a strength-based hierarchy lead by an Alpha that seems to have a supernatural influence on the pack. These this strong social unity, leadership combine with their physical prowess and enhance senses make they sought out as mercenaries, hunters and trackers.

Basic Information


In their human forms they mostly resemble human. The only slight difference is a slightly pointed, moveable ears and their wolf eyes. Typicaly eye color varies between amber, yellow or orange. Though some special bloodlines have different eye colors. Historically skin color have ranged from tan to slight light tan shades. As a culture that places a high value on physicl strenght most luposari have amuscular build. In fact luposari muscle more comact that mages making them naturally much stronger than mages. They also are famous for their stamina Their hair resembles wolf fur and the same color as their wolf form fur
  The transformation process can be painfull without practice, especialy when they involuentarily tranform such as during a full moon or or magical means. During their tranformation their muscles and bones quickly growth and rearrange adding on bulk and height. Their hair thickens and grows to cover most of their body. Their face mishapes to form ashount, fangs and full woolf ears. Their nail form into claws and they sprount a wolf tail.

Biological Traits


Luposari only have slight varieances between their western and eastern form. It envolved partily to deal with different environment. However the variences most arose formed dured to cultral preference. Western faction tended to prefer their more human side while western cultures favored the natural wolf side. Thus easerns luposari have a wolf form that is more humanoid form the normally moves on two legs and hae a more upright posture. Meanwhile eastern luposari have a more wolf like form and prefer to walk on all fours. thus their wolf form they appear more like large wolves with human clawed hands.

Genetics and Reproduction

Luposari reach physical sexual maturity fairly young, usually by they time they are 13 years old. However most luposari choose not to have children until they choose their mate which they dont really do untill they reach early adulthood. In general Lposaris female follow they same cycle as normal mages. However one key difference is that twin or triplets are more comon and their pregancy last about 7 months. During a pregancy females may be extra aggresive and infulenced more easily by the moon as their are estentially carrying the curse both themselves as their new born

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Child (Age 0-10): Children arenot born with a wold form. FOr the first few years of their live without worrying of transformations. However around the age 7 They will start show signs of the moons influence. At first it will take form progressively heighten agressions during full moon. Eventually it leads to partial transformations, such as fang, claws or hair during full moons. Lastly a they will finally fully transformfor the first time. Luposari will describ this as their most painfully transformation. Culturally it also mark the end of childhood and the begining of adolesence.
  • Teen (Age 10-20) : Adolescence begins once they fully transform for the first time. They go throught the typical physical stages of teenage puberty. However this will also be their most agressive and impulsive time of their life. At this point their wolf tranformation is still painful and still forcelybly turn under a full moon. They are more suceptible to bloodlust and are known to involuentarily transform as an emotional response. During these years they typically join or create a pack and begin searching for mates. It is a a particular violent time where the pack establishes it heirarchy and purposes. Druing these teenage year they also work to control their wolf form
  • Adult (Age 20 - 60): Luposari adult hood is usually marked by the first full moon they can fully control their wolf form. during this aged they have established their rank in the pack and typically choose their mates. With control of their wolf form adults are able to focusing on mastering their physical or magical abilties.
  • Elder (Age ~60+): The aging process for luposari reoloes on a regression of physical prowess. Their physical strenght and stamina diminish slightly an their hair slightly thins and color fades. However in old age their keep their abilty to focus heir senses and their connection to magic is at its peak

Dietary Needs and Habits

Luposari eat a normal human diet. Culturally they are know to have a high protein diet. However certain luposari will have a stronger craving for meat tha longer they say in their wolf form.

Additional Information

Social Structure

luposari are famous for their extremely loyal social groups known as packs. They typically form on join a pack in their teenage years. Members of a pack tend to be around the same generation and can be made of any selections of individuals. They can consist of blood relatives, friends and don’t have to be luposari either. Pack bond are so strong its like a social version of a coven. Packs member actually get a physically boost in strength when in the presence of other members. Also pack members can more easily preform joint magic manipulation together. They even have a mental ink that allows them to instinctually sense each other and mentally communicate with each other.
  The packs follow a strength-based hierarchy. Pack formations are typically very aggressive and violent as members battle to establish who is physically dominant. This most dominant luposari is known as the alpha. The most skilled magic user is known as the Omega. Alphas are seen as the leader of a pack and Omegas tends to be the second in command. The Alpha seems to have a supernatural influence on the pack. Luposari members of a pack tend to be instinctually submissive to the alpha. In fact, most alpha received a more significant increase of physical strength in the presence of their pack that typical members do. If a new member wishes to become alpha, they either have to defeat the current alpha or can go off to start their own pack.
  Luposari do not have to stay in the same pack their whole life. However, it is frowned upon to abandon one’s pack and is takes a lot of fortitude to resist the alpha influence to stay in a pack. Some common reasons that Luposari leave a pack is to join their mates pack, moving to a ne region, conflicts of interests or to start their own pack.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Wolf Blood: Luposari blood then when injected or consumed in can temporaily speed up regenration and increase vigor, but is it also cuases implusivity and aggression. Extremly potent on Shadai

Facial characteristics

Luposari typical have heavier facial features. they have slightly pointed, moveable ears and their wolf eyes. Typicaly eye color varies between amber, yellow or orange. Though some special bloodlines have different eye colors.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The first Luposari are formed in the southeastern region of the Whitelands. However their orginal ancestral village, Iskandi never took off as at the height of its power it had to deal with the chaos of new formed luposari race and it never fully recovered. In fact once the chaos calmed down Iskandi became a battle ground for the packs in power, This would eventually lead to a diapora of luposari packs to seek other territorties.   These groups appeared to migrate to the area that correspond with their Lunalupo ancestry. Thus the moved mainly the regions to blackin, Hollien, Brislepine, Wintercov and throughout the Whitelands. it would appear they favor cooler regions as they are physically better adapted to cold with their hotbloodedness and fur.

Average Intelligence

In general Luposari are capable to having an average intelligence. especially as their healing factor help to protect against mental damage. However, Luposari culture emphasis on practical knowledge and physical prowess has limited they collective knowledge as a group. At most they tend to focus and apply their magic to their hunting and fighting abilities. While this has made them excellent trackers, mercenaries and warriors, in means they tend not to develop written traditions or place value on historical records. Even their magic users are based more on an instinctually control of magic. The few that choose to use runes use common runes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Luposari culture focuses mainly on their physical capabilities. Thus many luposari are not skilled with magic or even choose to use it beyond enhancing their own physical abilities. Those that choose or have a natural talent of magic are known as Zeta among the pack with the strongest magic user being known as the Omega. Their primary magic affinities lunar, sound, and body magic. In fact, Lunar Luposari are one of the most powerful lunar magic users among the races. Some Luposari have secondary affinity for black, white, wild, blood and shadow magic. All Luposari also have the gift of transformation into their wolf form and have a minor form of the regeneration gift. They are able to recover from cuts are in mere minutes are even mend broken bones in a matter or hours. Some other common gifts that show up in Luposari populations are braveheart, dreamwalking, stronglife and stronghand
  Luposari typical depend on their physical abilities. Without training Luposari are naturally about 3 times stronger than the average human. They are also famous for their stamina. Their minor healing factor that allows them to quickly recover from physical injury. Even in their normal state they have heighten senses especially their sense of smell and hearing. For these 2 senses they also have better control. With practice they can focus their hearing to detect the location of sounds are hear more feint noises. Like a wolf their track fairly efficiently with their smell. They inherited an animal instinct form their lunalupo ancestry. Meaning they have innate aversion and ability to detect to death, decay, black, and demon magic. While they have inclination to detect and calm in the presence of natural, wild, white, life, and spirit magic. They also seem to have and sixth sense to detect major upcoming natural event.   Luposari are famous for their ability to transform into a wolf form. With this transformation their senses, healing and strength greatly increase tenfold. They also grow famously durable and sharp claws that can cut through most metals. With training some Luposari can even learn to do partial transformation so they don’t have to always enter their full wolf form. However, they are also more savage and aggressive in this form. In fact in this form they are more sensitive to entering bloodust . Though even in their normal form Luposari are known to enter bloodlust when on an intense hunt, when injured or in intense emotional situations
  While they are very physically endowed, Luposari also seem to have a couple specific of weakness due to their origins. First off they are extremely sensitive to the moon due to the moon curse origin. The more complete the moon is the stronger a Luposari is. However, they are the more complete a moon is the harder it is to control their aggressiveness and wolf form. On full moons untrained and young Luposari will involuntarily shift to their wolf form and are known to go on rampages if not controlled. Trained Luposari may be able to control their change but even they struggle to suppress their aggressive nature at this time. Their sensitivity to the moon also extends to lunar magic. Luposari are easily influenced by lunar magic and the effect of lunar manipulations are extra effective on them. Luposari also vulnerable to Moonstone, a stone used during their mooncurse origins. On sight, moonstone has a slight hypnotizing effect on luposari, seeming to calm them. On contact moonstone trigger their wolf forms and to enter bloodlust. However with some magic manipulations moonstone can be used to help suppress wolf forms. Lastly Luposari have a unique weakness to the Wolfweir plant. It was a particular plant that was present in the mooncurse ritual. While harmless to most all other race they induce a painfully chemical burning on touch for Luposari. It acts as a poison if injected, ingested or inhaled by Luposari. Depending on the amount in can cause internal pain that varies from slight discomfort to excoriating pain or even death. In minor amounts it can be used suppress a luposari’s healing factor. In fact physical injuries inflicted using wolfweir will leave scars when they finally heal. However with all this wild nature Luposari are know to have a strong natural resistance to charmspeak and mental manipulations   Typical luposari combat style is very savage and aggressive. Their fighting style arose from their physical prowess, aggressive nature and cultural expectation to display strength. Thus Luposari combat typically is a combination of wild powerful strikes with raw power wrestling that is hard to read. This combat style is overly offensive with a lack of defense, a reasonable flaw for a race with a healing factor and heighten senses. They are prefer to used their own teeth and claw for combat (which can be enhanced with magic) instead of made weapons as their attest to ones personal strength.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

  • Moon Collar: Deviceusually in the form of a collar or belt. it helps to control the wolf form transformation. typically used to help young luposari especially during a full moon. Also used for particular luposari that stuggle to control their wold form agression of impulsivity.
  • Wolfweir oil: Oil form th Wolfweir plant. In burn on contact with luposari. It can be used to supress wolfweir healing and at high doses in can be lethal to luposari

Common Dress Code

Luposari send to wear loose and easilt to remove clothing. This is so that they can easily transform into their wolve without worrying about tearing their clothes. Plus they they are natural hot blooded and loose clothing is easier to cool down in.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

. Yet Luposari are narutally aggressive, physical, and impulsive in both forms.

Common Taboos

It is greatly frowned upon to abandon your pack. However it is seen as move acceptable when joining an approved mate.


Luposari origins begin with a lunar demigod named Lysien Iskandar. He first began to use his power to protect his tribe that live in what is present day Iskandi. He was a powerful warrior and charismatic leader. In fact, He shared his power with his allies and corrupted his enemies. He soon was dominating the surrounding area.
This got the Attention of Emerus Meritus a lunar sage. Who resided in a neighboring village. He planned on using the Mooncurse ritual to bind Lysiens power. To ensure its success he created an inheritance coven with his family. His wife, Cienna a sealing mage to cast the formula and his 4 lunar mage children to assist with the ritual itself. His brother, Jazerus a wild mage had a pack of lunalupo to assist with restraining Lysien. He even enhanced his moonstone with runes to amplify it power
  On a night of a wildmoon, Emeru’s village invited Lysien for a meeting. While Lysien was in transit Emerus and his family ambushed him to enact their plan.. It was all going to plan. Lysien was held down by Jazerus and was is the seal formed by Cienna and Emerus and his children began the mooncurse ritual. Then Everything changed when Lysien killed Jazerus and one of his wolfs in the struggle. Lysien also began cast counter spells to the ritual as he still struggled. Emerus realized he had to change the ritual in order to combat Lysien power. So Emerus incorporated the death of his brother and and the blood of the killed wolf in order to strengthen and modify the spell. No longer was he going to seal Lysien, but would curse him with insanity and corrupt that were connected to his power as well.
  It was the combination of Emerus modifications to curse and Lysien attempt to stop them that resulted in.the Luposari race. Then insanity manifested and an aggressive form that could lose its sense of logic. The rituals bond to the moon is why Luposaris are influenced by the moon phases and their aggressiveness amplifies during a full moon. The lunalupos blood in the ritual, wildmoon and wild mage death contributed to the luposaris wolf form. Lysiens counter spells is what enhance the traits and abilities of luposaris. Lysien’s blood spilled on a flower during the curse and this flower would become wolfweir, a plants that is poisonous against luposari. The curse also did manage to bind to the bloodline of Lysien and all who had be touched by his magic. In fact the curse the so powerful that the curse can still be passed on by direct descendants of Lyisen through what is known as the wolf bite. Lysine managed to use this ability to convert the youngest son of Emerus, Quinton , as he was born after the ritual.
  After the casting of the curse Lysien returned to their home village of Iskandi. Though it had not gone as plane, Emerus attempted mooncurse still fulfilled its purpose. The creation of a new aggressive race led to alot of chaos among Lysiens comrades and the village of Iskandi.. It was enough chaos to halt Lysien’s conquest and expansion. the chaos would then devolved into the warring gangs still in Iskandi today.
  An unforeseen result of the ritual was that Emerus and his children's bloodline have inherited an ability to trigger a luposaris transformation. They can also deactivate the transformation as well. All of those from the Meritus bloodline are now born with one of the moon shapes on their wrist. The shape corresponds with the specific ancestor which participated in the mooncurse ritual. Emerus, was the full moon. His eldest Mikeal was marked with the new moon, Hailey was marked with the crescent moon, Emilie was marked with the half moon, and Kale was marked with the Gibson moon

Historical Figures

Famous Bloodlines

  • Iskandar - Descendants of Lysien a lunar demigod and the first luposari. This bloodline is capable of the Wolfcurse which allows them to convert others into luposari with a certain bite. They were the founder one of the 5 major Iskandi gangs known as the Primewolves. Members are known for their unique blonde fur..
  • Meritus - Descendants of Quinton Meritus, the youngest son of Emerus Mertius the creator of the moon curse. Quinton was born after the curse was cast and Lysien Iskandar used the wolf curse bite to convert him into a luposari to get revenge on Emerus. Howevr QUitons and his desdeants retained his families abilty to trigger and deactivate the wolf form in themselves and other luposari. Their inherited the full moon mark form on their wrist form Meritus
  • Redwolf - Descendants of Fenri a blood demigod. Famous for red fur, red eyes, and blood magic. Their also known to be agressive even for luposari standards and seem to have longer claws and fangs. they also heal faster than standar luposari due to their connection to blood magic. They were the founder one of the 4 major Iskandi gangs known as the Bloodwolves.
  • Aneus - Descendants of Romlus a body demigod luposari .Famous for gray fur gray eyes, and body magic magic. Their are known to be larger then the average luposari, especialy in their wolf form. They were the founder one of the 4 major Iskandi gangs known as the Warwolves
  • Moglui - Descendants of Shanti a wild demigod luposari. Famous for dark brown fur, golden eyes, and wild magic. Their known for their loud howl that can infulence wildflife that hears it. They were the founder one of the 4 major Iskandi gangs known as the Wildwolves
  • Whitewolf - Descendants of Suki a lunar demigod luposari. Famous for their white fur and navy blue eyes. They are known as some of the most powerful lunar magic users. The main branch pack roams as a nomadic tribe in the whitelands. Alphas among this bloodline are actually the magic users
  • Shriolin - Descendants of Shiro a death demigod luposari. Famous for their black fur,deep red eyes and death magic.Their are known for their killer instincts and are skilled hunter. THeir have been known to be in conflict with the shadai of Poenari
  • Ceirna - Descendants of Ardinna natural demigod luposari, they are eastern luposaris famous for their speckled fur,green eyes and natural magic. they are known to be peaceful clans leader of many packs in brislepine and hollien.
  • Stein - Named as one of the minor house of Blacklins, they have had close ties with the Royal Vargraven family. Steins tend to be assigned to a Vargraven at a young age. Through their familiar bond Stein happily become fierce body guards and loyal friends.

Famous Individuals

  • Lysien Iskandar - The lunar demigod who is titled as the orginal Luposari. He was a powerful warrrior and leader that shared his power with allies and corrupted enimeis.the circumstances of an atmepted mooncurse ritual would turn him into the first luposari. However it as his connection to his allies that aspread the curse to many of the first genreations of luposari. He and his bloodline are capalabe of the Wolf curse, which allows them to convert otheres into luposari with and intention bite.
  • Frenri Redwolf -S blood demigod who was orphaned at a young age, but kept his divine parentage secret. He was extremily aggressive and known for his vicious fighting stlye. this allowed his reputation to grow and he was secertly gathering a following amoung cetain violent lposari. in Iskandi. Howevr at the time theIskandar family was effectively ruling Iskani at the time. When then confofront Fenri, He killed 2 Iskandar members in his rage but managed to get arrested. Following his arrest Fenris followers rose up in revolt against Iskandar rule. Fenri then reveal his heritage as a son of the blood god and broke himself out of prison. We would thenestablish and lead the Redwolves, the first gang to oppose Iskandar power. His revoultion would eventually inspire the rise of other gangs, leading to the current gang wars still going on in Iskandi.
  • Necrobeast His familar name was Shiro. He was the son of the infamous She Wolf Black and Sersei the death goddess. Raise by Sersei herself after the murder of She Wolf Black, Shiro was highly skilled with death magic. Combined with his large size and the support of his mother bandit pack, shiro terroized the shadai of Poenari. Got revenge on his mothers killer by burtally murdering their children. He then helped to enforce Sersei's curse on the town. He would evntually be killed in battle, but his actions would establish the animosity between the luposari and shadai in the region.
  • She Wolf Black Her familar familar was Sheila, A luposari and infamous leader of a bandit pack that terroized the shadai village of Poenari. She was also the lover to Sersei and recieved received many blessings from the death goddess. Sheila's murder would indirectly lead to the immortality of shadai.
  • Suki Whitewolf Duaghter to the lunar goddess and a lunar sage. Suki is regarded as one of the most powerful lunar sages to ever live. Many give her the title of Lady Moonshine. She was actually a peacefull and benevolent luposari who ran with a pack of Lunalupo. Records of her magic maniplations and studies are contain in a magika safeguarded by her desendants

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Mixed Bloods
Mixed boods tend to have a less dramatic tanformation. They may grow in stature, grow claws and fangs, and might expierence additonal fur growth. However they are also less effected by the moon. Still mixbloods tend to keep the aggressive and implusive disposition. most keep the minor healing factor and have an affintity of the standar luposari magics. They also keep the weakness to wolf weir though not as bad  
other races can be converted into luposari. however in can only be done by desendats of Lysein Iskandar. They can perform the wolfcurse bite on their nect victim. THen by the next full moon the victim will go through a painful process of become a luposari. Most convert will loose the gift and physical traits of their previous race, but tend to keep their magic affinity.  
  • Blacklian Luposari communities, especial closer to Poenari, have an intense rivalry with Shadai population that originated back from the conflict between the Necrobeast pack and new shadai. However in genral Shadai and Luposari do not gett along. Luposari see shadai and conpetting hunters of the night. Shadai tend to look down on luposari due the effect feeding on their wolf blood make shadai extra aggressive and implusive.
  • Blacklian, Whittan and Brislepinean Luposari communities are respected among the mage communities. In Blacklins they are admire for their loyalty and are evern not to pair with the royal family. In Whitleands the whitewolf tribe a repected for their lunar magic and knowlge. In Brislepine they are repected and enfornces for the forest order.

Racial Overview

Transformation & Regeneration
Common Potential Gifts
Braveheart, dreamwalking, stronglife, stronghand
Potential Primary Magics
Lunar, body. sound
Potiential Secondary Magics
Wild, blood, black, white, shadow, blood
 Lunar magic, Moonstone, Wolfweir
Genetic Ancestor(s)
70-80 years
Average Height
5-6 feet
Average Weight
Average Physique
On Average luposari have muscular built as a result of their physicality and cultural preference. It is noted that Luposari muscle is more compact than mages so they are naturally stronger
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Historically skin color have ranged from tan to slight light tan shades. THeir hair color coreseponds with the fur color in their wold form.
High Populous Cities
Luposari HexASAR by Israel Rodiriguez

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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