1/15 - G-Shaped Horseshoes

General Summary

The party rested at The Pig's End for several days before heading out towards Bigtarhir, spending that time filling their packs for the adventures ahead, communicating with allies, and following up on loose ends.
  Duo  and the party used their sending stones to communicate the vampire Aliester Gilrieth and his brother Elyon Gilrieth, primarily to ask them if they knew any information about Felicior Ironhand, as all evidence pointed to the Gilrieth kingdom being the High Elven kingdom that Felicior left Boulderdust to join. Aliester and Elyon did, indeed, recognize the name Ironhand as the dwarven smith their father hired to oversee the elven smiths for the kingdom, a decision as contentious amongst the Elves as was Felicior's separation from Boulderdust. The brothers did not, however, know anything of Felicior Ironhand's fate, as his tenure as the kingdom's forgemaster overlapped with both the destruction of the kingdom from the appearance of Moander's corpse as well as the fall of both brothers to the vampiric curse.
  Gramlek also asked the vampiric brothers about their whereabouts and plans, knowing that once Elyon Gilrieth regained control of himself after having been feral for decades that the brothers would head to their new home of Olak Vald wherein Aliester Gilrieth had been granted land and title for his help felling the proto-dragon Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds. Aliester informed the party that the brothers were currently traveling towards Olak Vald and should be there within several weeks.
  Before heading out to Bigtarhir, the party traveled to the forge of Boulderdust in order to track down Darranor Ironhand, great-grandson of Felicior Ironhand, in hopes that the remaining Ironhand could be a boon to the party's understanding of the "Nine Lives Stealer" carried by Darnath. Arriving at the forge, the party were directed to a lone dwarf at the back of the forge working on a small project. Darranor Ironhand was hunched over a workbench crafting a horsehoe, an item which Duo  quickly identified as both completely unnecessary in The Underdark and of such extremely poor quality that any semi-competent blacksmith could make better.
  As the party introduced themselves to Darranor Ironhand and interacted more with him it became increasingly obvious that this man was not even a faint shadow of the smith that his great-grandfather was. Though Darranor lacked any crafting talent to speak of, Darnath decided to to present him with the "Nine Lives Stealer". As soon as the descendent of Felicior Ironhand grasped the hilt of the enchanted sword, Darnath's ears were filled with an intense white noise that seemed to have some subtle pattern. Darranor Ironhand identified the sword as one of his great-grandfather's masterworks, though was of no real use to the party. The ringing in Darnath's ears subsided as Darranor handed the sword back, proving that through the dwarf is no use as a craftsman at the very least there is some tie between the Ironhand bloodline an the "Nine Lives Stealer".
  Done with their tasks in Boulderdust, the party headed out towards Bigtarhir via The Woven Way. After nearly a week of travel through the well-trod paths of the Underdark between Boulderdust and allied dwarven settlements, the party turned towards The Woven Way and began to descend. The Woven Way, a network of spider webs criss-crossing a vast chasm spanning the Upper- and Middledark, stretched out in front of the party as they prepared themselves to navigate the intertwining webs. Traveling slowly to avoid accidental falls through the layers of web, the party advanced across the chasm. After carefully navigating the web road for some time, the party was accosted by several Driders and massive spiders looking for a fresh meal.

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Report Date
15 Jan 2024
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