4/29 - Far Realm Castaways

General Summary

The party departed from the Party Guildhall in Groundbreak and headed towards the subterranean city of Boulderdust in hopes of a successful arrangement with High Priestess Secta to secure a new connection with the Skagi-Portal Network. Heading North across The Cursed Expanse and towards the desert city of Qadis, the nearest known entry point in The Underdark to Boulderdust, the party made good time across the recently tamed wilderness.
  The party breached the surface and headed down into the depths of the world towards Boulderdust, their path following the twisting corridors of The Underdark. As they neared the subterranean settlement, the party's forward members were flooded with the noise of telepathic muttering in an arcane language from somewhere in the distance. Stopping to observe the telepathic rambling the party identified that there were a half dozen distinct voices and the telepathic muttering was in Deep Speech, the language of the Far Realms, a plane of madness and chaos.
  Darnath pushed ahead to scout the area, using his relative-invisibility in the darkness of The Underdark to avoid notice, and secured an advantageous position for ambush while relaying enemy numbers to the party. The remainder of the party moved to begin battle preparation and combat kicked off shortly afterward.
  The party and ten enemies began their pitched clash. But these enemies were unlike any the party had seen before, featuring pallid, translucent green skin and spotty, chitinous growths acting as armor.
  • One of the enemies was a monsterous, mutated Otyugh. In addition to its normal tentacles, the aberrant Otyugh could use its chitinous armor to bash its prey or spew a noxious gas from its mouth.
  • Three of the enemies were grotesque, mutated Cloakers. Their normal pale flesh gnarled and mutated by the chaotic energy of the Far Realm, these Cloakers were deadly melee combatants while also being able to unleash a psychic moan that frightened its enemies.
  • Six of the enemies were mutated Humanoids, a mixture of Drow, Dwarves, and Humans. These Humanoids were corrupted almost beyond recognition, with some featuring odd numbers of fleshy wings protruding from the backs and sides, some having too many or too few eyes, and some possessing extra, malformed limbs. Their limited flight and ability to unleach a psychic blast made the mutated Humanoids a force to be reckoned with.
After a tense combat in which a number of party members fell unconscious, the party emerged victorious. Duo, Sylvie, and Thovak began to analyze the mutated creatures to discern their origin while Darnath began harvesting the flesh of a mutated Cloaker for future research. The party came to the conclusion that these aberrations were touched by the energies of the Far Realm, but also had lingering effects of having traveled through The Feywild recently.

Rewards Granted

  • 5,320 EXP / PC
  • 1x Mutated Cloaker Hide
Report Date
29 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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