6/17 - Fall of the Feywild Pt. 4

General Summary

While Nyxara Shadowbinder prepared the ritual required to transport the party back into The Feywild at the behest of Fane Wanette, the party traveled around Evernight learning about the city.
  Traveling through the city, Duo investigated the Ghoul Sovereignty, Evernight's one ruling governmental body. This trio of flesh-eating ghouls resolve interpersonal and business disputes between citizens of the city by weighing the merits of the case and then consuming the loser, which leads to the majority of issues within the city being resolved outside of the tribunal via settlements, middlemen, and assassins.
  Duo also investigated the Church of Shar across the boulevard from House Fane. A large cathedral filled with hooded figures both alive and dead who worship the Goddess of Loss, Shar. These adherents take part in routine memory-loss rituals where they consume a tonic brewed from ingredients found within the Shadowfell to show their willingness to let go. While Duo tried to pry the recipe to this tonic from the priests, only those of high station within the church are allowed to know how to create it.
  In addition to the Church of Shar, a number of smaller shrines and temples were found located around Evernight. Several shrines to Anubis, God of the Dead, and Null, Dragon God of Death and Undeath were found tucked into alleys and courtyards.
  As Duo researched the political and religious aspects of the city Darnath investigated some of the outskirt areas of the city. One building of note was the Home for Wayward Mortals, a large, multi-building compound surrounded by thick walls. This compound offers protection for mortals in the city (both residents and travelers) for a steep price, preventing the flesh-hungry denizens from consuming them outright or capturing them and selling their parts on the open market.
  After traveling around the city, investigating the various aspects of its people, and perusing the market stalls, the party returned to House Fane and met with Fane Wanette again who told them that Nyxara Shadowbinder's ritual would be ready in the morning and that they could stay with him in the guest quarters. He also warned them against leaving the house at night, as though they are marked as guests of House Fane, the most feral denizens of Evernight do not always abide by protocol.
  During the night, the party heard a booming voice calling for Fane from outside to which the vampire replied that the caller ("Big Z") should keep it down and meet him in the graveyard next to House Fane. Darnath immediately awoke and navigated his way out of the room and onto an upper balcony to spy on the conversation. He saw Fane meeting with a gaunt giant surrounded by a wreath of swirling, the very same as the party encountered on their way to Evernight. This giant, Zalthor the Soul Broker, regaled Fane with the story of his meeting with the party and how offputting the entire situation was, all while Fane Wanette lent his old friend an ear.
  After some time eavesdropping on the meeting, Darnath descended the building and injected himself into the conversation, introducing himself to Zalthor the Soul Broker and asking him for advice on the "Nine Lives Stealer". Zalthor, taken aback that the very people he was complaining about were staying at House Fane, took some time to come around but eventually, and with prodding from Fane, offered his help. Zalthor took the "Nine Lives Stealer" into his great hands and unleashed some infernal scream that could be heard by all the souls, spirits, ghosts, and spectres in the area, and that the sword responded to by ringing in harmony. Zalthor let Darnath know the number of souls held within the sword (6), their species (3 Drow, 1 Elf, 1 Dwarf, 1 Human), and their general alignments (3 Evil, 2 Neutral, 1 Good). Zalthor was unable to tell Darnath what would happen when the sword was filled with the requisite 9 souls, but could determine that the spirits were being bound with magic akin to the spell Soul Cage (a spell used to bind souls and use their power to fuel secondary effects), so it would stand to reason that the 9 souls would be used to empower or awaken the blade once filled.
  Once the meeting with Fane Wanette and Zalthor the Soul Broker was completed, Danath returned to the party and the night's rest was completed without incident. As the morning came, Fane roused the party and ushered them out into the graveyard to meet with Nyxara Shadowbinder.
  The graveyard was setup in a macabre display. Six coffins were arranged in a row surrounded by concentric circles of salt, ground bones, and several more obscure powders. Atop each coffin was a small relic ranging from a sachet of rare herbs to the fresh corpse of a raven. Nyxara Shadowbinder welcomed the party and reassured them that though interplanar teleportation magic is not her strong suit and that this didn't look like a "by the books" teleportation spell, they could trust her to usher them to The Feywild safely. She informed the party that they would be nailed into the coffins, would experience some moderate turbulance and/or motion sickness, and would then arrive in the Feywild.
  As they questioned the presence of a sixth coffin, Fane Wanette told the party that he would be joining them on their escapade, as he had not visited The Feywild in many decades and had an interest in catching up with old friends if possible.
  The crew entered their coffins, Nyxara Shadowbinder nailed sealed them in, and after several seconds of tremendous noise and movement from outside the party were deposited into The Feywild. Breaking their way out of the coffins, they found themselves several hundred meters away from a small, earthen building filled with voices and music.

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Report Date
17 Jun 2024
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