5/20 - Fall of the Feywild Pt. 1 Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

5/20 - Fall of the Feywild Pt. 1

General Summary

The party arrived in The Feywild with the help of Lady Timber's Eladrin envoy, who led them through a portal torn in the veil between realms to a humid, musty swamp. The Eladrin ushered them into the knee-deep waters of the swamp towards a modest hut built of old trees and knotted vines, where they met with a severely wounded Lady Timber, a green-skinned swamp hag introduced as Lady Hemlock, and the Eladrin warrior Luirlan.
  Lady Timber caught the party up on the current predicament of The Feywild and most pressingly the Timber Throne. A number of holes had been torn in the veil between the Far Realm and The Feywild, allowing countless aberrations to pour through. The Timber Throne had been forced to cede control of a significant amount of their land to the aberrant monsters from the Far Realm, and Lady Timber had been forced into full retreat into the territories of Lady Hemlock. The remaining Courts of The Feywild had closed their borders to both the Timber Throne and the intruders from the Far Realm, attempting to seal the doomed Court off from the rest of The Feywild.
  Luirlan, called back from the Prime Material to act as general of Lady Timber's armies, informed the party that scouts had identified no less than five extant tears in the veil between the Far Realm and The Feywild, the nearest of which barely at the edge of Lady Hemlock's swamp domain. This nearest portal threatened to end both the Timber Throne and newly-established Swamp Throne unless dealt with immediately. Lady Timber requested the party's aid in assisting Luirlan in closing the nearest portal to buy more time.
  Heading from the swamp domain of Lady Hemlock towards the first tear between realms, the party planned with Luirlan to use what remained of the Timber Throne's army to draw as many of the Far Realm aberrations away from the portal as possible while the party dashed towards the portal in an attempt to close it using the techniques taught to them by Lady Timber.
  The party pushed forward as Luirlan's troops peeled off the majority of aberrant monsters from the portal. They fought a hard battle through a number of Void Crawlers, Void Walkers and a single Tentacle Lord, with several of the Adventurers falling unconscious throughout the struggle. Finally, after the pitched combat and the defeat of the Tentacle Lord, Duo , Sylvie, and Thovak were able to use their combined knowledge and seal up the portal between realms. Victorious, the party reunited with a battered Luirlan and his drained troops to head back towards the Swamp Throne and report their results.
  Meeting back up with Lady Timber and Lady Hemlock, the party and Luirlan reported their results to the High Ladies. With the effort required to close just one portal, and the military losses suffered by Luirlan's troops, it was obvious to the assembled council that a protracted battle with the remaining forces was not a viable solution to the incursion from the Far Realm.
  With the information that the portal closure was possible but their armies were insufficient, Lady Timber provided the party with a simple tree branch and requested that they take it deep into the forest, beyond where light and sound can penetrate, past all hopes of navigating their way out, and attempt to make contact with Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches, an ancient and powerful Fey that operates outside of the system of Courts, Ladies, and Queens. Through Hiffe's influence, the Timber Throne might yet survive.

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  • 10,100 EXP / PC

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Report Date
20 May 2024
Primary Location