6/3 - Fall of the Feywild Pt. 2

General Summary

The party traveled through The Feywild in hopes of reaching out to Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches at the behest of Lady Timber. As they trudged through the ever more dense forests of the plane of Fey, they became increasingly more lost. They traveled until all sound was absorbed by the dense foliage and their ears rung in the silence. At that point, hopelessly lost and days of travel away from the nearest edge of the forest, the party snapped the twig given to them by Lady Timber.
  The twig snapped with a thunderous sound, shaking the trees and raining dead branches down on the party from the canopy above. In the pregnant silence after the noise subsided, Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches appeared to the party. A slight woman with skin the texture of smooth bark, she spoke softly and questioned the party for summoning her. The party asserted that they needed her help in order to access or contact the other courts of Fey and seek their aid in defeating the intruders from the Far Realm. Hiffe, already aware of the plight of the Timber Throne but unwilling to forcibly open the border between courts, offered the party a deal.
  Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches would open a portal into the Shadowfell, a negative plane that mirrors The Feywild, and provide the party with items and directions necessary to make contact with someone who can help them directly enter one of the sealed-off courts. Hiffe presented the party with a small, humanoid skeleton held together by some innate magic and warned to never be caught without it while they travel the Shadowfell. She also provided the party a gilded birdcage full of shifting smoke and motes of color, telling them to deliver it to a man named Fane Wanette in the city of Evernight, and to keep their mouths shut and whits about them until they make contact with him.
  With the portal opened by Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches, the party dove down into the Shadowfell and landed in the cold, dismal landscape of the negative plane. Finding the Night Road nearby, the party began to follow Hiffe's directions and head towards Evernight. Like The Feywild, the Shadowfell's relationship with time, hunger, and tiredness was quite unlike the Prime Material.
  After some time spent traveling along the twisting, non-linear road towards Evernight, the party encountered a Death Giant guarding a massive bridge crossing a seemingly bottomless chasm. The giant bellowed that he could smell the party's souls and would be claiming them for his collection, but in a brash display of swagger the party merely walked towards and past the giant without acknowledging him. Through sheer bluff and bluster, and the magical aura of the small skeleton provided by Hiffe, the party managed to confuse the giant and his band of bound phantoms enough that they passed by without incident.
  Upon arriving in Evernight, a dark reflection of the Prime Material's Neverwinter, the party checked in with the gate guard, a screaming phantom, and were allowed to enter the city in order to find Fane Wanette.

Character(s) interacted with


Report Date
03 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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