6/10 - Fall of the Feywild Pt. 3

General Summary

After the party entered the Shadowfell city of Evernight, they made their way to the city's market square. Merchants of all sorts offered unnatural wares ranging from captive humanoids to meat, bones, and blood to arcane artifacts and dark, prophetic readings. The city square was also abuzz with the undead citizens of Evernight going about their days, purchasing items from the merchants, promenading throughout the city, and enjoying picnics in the park. Asking a town guard for directions while avoiding the ire of any flesh-hungry citizens, the party was directed towards House Fane, the manor of Fane Wanette on the East side of the city.
  Upon arriving at House Fane, the party was greeted by a pair of vampire spawn who questioned their presence and then led them up to Fane Wanette's office on the third floor of the manor. Fane, a stately and dapper vampire, sat behind his desk in a well-appointed office cluttered with clear evidence of use. As the group entered, the vampire rose to greet them and ushered them to sit and state their business.
  As the party described their reason for calling on the vampire, and presented Fane with the gilded cage provided to them by Hiffe, Grandmother of Branches, the man's pale face lit up. Clearly ecstatic to hear from Hiffe (who he descibed as an old friend from his time as a mortal Adventurer), Fane Wanette offered his full aid and support to get the party back into The Feywild. His first order of business was to mark the party as guests of House Fane with a stamp of his own blood on their wrists, preventing their consumption by the undead denizens of the city and/or capture and sale in the market.
  After hearing the party's plan to reenter The Feywild through the Shadowfell and seek aid from one or more High Lords/Ladies, or even a Queen of Fey, Fane Wanette sent off one of his vampire assistants to locate and procure the services of one Nyxara Shadowbinder, a powerful necromantic spellcaster who resides in the city. Nyxara, while not highly proficient in teleportation magic, was known by Fane as a powerful enough mage to "figure it out," and had worked with the vampire enough times to become a trusted associate.
  While the vampire assistant was locating Nyxara, and while the mage prepared for the ritual necessary to relocate the party, the group spent time with Fane Wanette in his manor. They asked about his personal history, which he freely provided. Fane was originally from The Sword Coast on the Prime Material. An Adventurer and monster hunter, eventually Fane succomed to the very vampiric infection he had tried to eradicate. After a time spent subject to the will of his vampiric creator, Fane broke free, recovered his independence, and destroyed his master, vowing to become a vampire lord opposite of the one that turned him.
  During their discussions, Duo  bartered with Fane Wanette in exchange for information relating to both Moander and Atropus, as the vampire lord's network of connections is quite large, especially in the seedier aspects. Fane's assistant searched the library of House Fane and found several useful pieces of information for the party. Most notably, the following:
  • As it turns out, Moander's corpse was brought into the Prime Material by House Theyralana. The Cult of Ghaunadaur attempted to resurrect the god of decay both to please their god and as preparation for the powerful ritual of summoning an Avatar of Ghaunadaur. At this point though, the cult was not powerful enough to be successful and instead simply transported the god's corpse from the Astral Sea to the Prime Material.
  • Atropus, god of undeath and unnatural life, was revealed to have a significant number of enemies throughout both the mortal world and among gods. Included in this list of enemies are Anubis, god of death; Pelor, god of light; and The Knights of the Chalice, a divine order charged with the destruction of undead.

Gramlek and Thovak also traded with Fane Wanette. Gramlek exchanged a liter of his Bugbear blood for 250 GP, which the vampire lord gladly accepted and placed into his collection of blood from various creatures. Thovak exchanged a liter of his Goliath blood for a rod attuned to the Shadowfell that he might later use to cast Planeshift.
  After their conversations and exchanges with Fane Wanette, the party headed to the city's market to peruse the macabre wares offered by the myriad merchants. Sylvie browsed a magical, necromantic tome for sale by a well-dressed skeleton gentleman, but did not make a purchase. Darnath browsed the wares of a semi-feral ghoul offering weapons both magical and mundane, purchasing a magical dirk capable of preventing healing and also learning the name of a 'soul broker' that may be able to offer more information about the "Nine Lives Stealer", Zalthor the Soul Broker.

Rewards Granted

  • 250 GP -> Gramlek (in exchange for one liter of blood)
  • Shadowfell-Tuned Fork -> Thovak (in exhange for one liter of blood)

Character(s) interacted with


Report Date
18 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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