9/11 - Making Deals Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

9/11 - Making Deals

General Summary

80 days remain before the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party investigates the magical barrier keeping Pyrotol in Stygia.
  • A circle of a dozen magical adepts, graduates from the Seminary of the Faithful, maintain the magical barrier 24/7.
  • The party travels to the Church of the Skinned Saint in lower Olak Vald with Archbishop Eldmor.
  • At the church, the party beseeches the adherents of Dol Azur to perform a communing ritual with the deity.
  • The ritual involves the flaying of four members of the Abbey of the Sacrificer, while Archbishop Eldmor acts as a vessel and mouthpiece for the god.
  • After a personal sacrifice by Duo , Dol Azur reveals that he indeed guided the party to Olak Vald through The Mockery of Life, and that placing the artifact into the hands of a descendant of God-King Bazath, The Great will complete an ancient bargain with the founder of Olak Vald to help defend the city.
  • The party travels to the docks of Olak Vald where the ship gifted to them by God-King Dreadgrax, The Drake, awaits them. They set sail towards Ebonait on their way to meet with Fenbi Truefin.

70 days remain before the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party contacts Fenbi Truefin, alerting her that they are on their way, to prepare the artifact for travel, and to be prepared to teleport the party and guests back to Olak Vald shortly after they arrive.
  • The party contacts Wroza and Bendar in Skagi, instructing them to meet the party at Fenbi's Spire in the Cursed Expanse. The duo inform the party that two new teleportation artifacts are ready for use, and will be brought to the meeting.
  • The party contacts Aliester Gilrieth, making a deal with him on behalf of God-King Dreadgrax and the people of Olak Vald. Aliester and his army of Bugbear Tanarukk will travel to Olak Vald to assist in the battle against Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds in exchange for the party's help destroying Undrieg and rescuing Elyon Gilrieth, plus land and titles in Olak Vald for the vampire and his brother.

60 days remain before the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • Thovak, after weeks of prayer, receives a sign from Akadi. As the winds rise and the seas calm, the party can feel the speed of their ship significantly increase as it cuts through the waters of The Wandering Sea towards Ebonait.

50 days remain before the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
47 days remain before the rise of Pyrotol, Eater of Worlds.
  • The party arrives at Fenbi's Spire, meeting with Fenbi Truefin, Wroza, and Bendar in Fenbi's floating sanctum.
  • Fenbi's sanctum is packed with cages full of birds, enraged and repeatedly reanimated by The Mockery of Life. Fenbi is very ready to be rid of the necromantic artifact.
  • Wroza and Bendar provide the party with two additional Blades of Skagi, Baervan's Bladeand Vanua's Blade.

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Report Date
11 Sep 2023
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