Everglade Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Everglade was for a long time a bastion of hope for outcast mages from both the Westfork and the lands to the East. Magic-rule was the mandate and with the prominent Aria source in the area, many travel to his distant settlement. The journey to Everglade was a harsh one however, requiring travel through the Wilds. Alas the city was destroyed by a gigantic rifting opening with Valthor 's return to Mundus in late 1402. The people of Everglade were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in the Wayspire. After closing of the Rift by The Grey Wardens, most mages of Everglade either joined The Night's Watch or returned to their lives as apostates roaming the world. Some inhabitants chose a different path however, such as Christine d'Amarant and joined the Wardens.


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