Falklands Geographic Location in Mundus | World Anvil
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The Falklands is a region found more to the center of the Kingdom of Gotha. Its capital and largest settlement is the city of Denerim. Nowadays it is ruled by The Night's Watch, but during several periods of its history the region has found itself under Myrtanian rule. This influence of the Kingdom of Myrtana led to several noble houses taking on knightly values with flamboyant coats of arms. Most noble houses have however been rooted out by the Night's Watch and found their land annexed during the hunt for the Briarfolk.   The Falklands is a region of farmers, but trade has flourished in recent years after the Night's Watch constructed the great Western Highway, connecting the Falklands to the Myrtanian markets. Other notable locations in the region are Aegon's Hold, where the great orc incursion of 1377 was halted and the hamlet of Stirling at the foot of The Dauer Mountains.
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