Aegon's Hold Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Aegon's Hold

The height of Falcon's Peak was historically the mustering ground for the army of the Kingdom of Gotha, so a wooden palisade and Motte and Bailey were erected there around 960 to allow permanent residents and the storing of supplies.   The settlement remained a place of little importance until the Great Wild Incursion. Once again the Gothic troops were mustering here during this conflict. In charge of this operation were Aegon II Strongborn and Holgunn I Strongborn. The orc warlord Uruk tried to catch the Gothic forces here unprepared, but they were able to beat him off, as if by miracle. The orcs were routed and it was an astounding victory for the Gothic Kingdom. To honor the young prince, the settlement was renamed Aegon's Hold.   In the years to come, the settlement would fade in fame until the times of the Assassin's War, serving as a mustering ground against Myrtanian forces.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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