Jorund Wolfheart Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Jorund Wolfheart

Lord Commander

Jorund Wolfheart was born as the second son to Gneifnir Wolfheart, Marshall to king Varric Strongborn of the Kingdom of Gotha . This meant that he was brought up at court in Gotha. During his childhood he became close friends with the young prince Ulthar (later Ulthar III Strongborn). When Ulthar was appointed Lord Commander of The Night's Watch Jorund joined his retinue and accompanied his friend to the edges of the Wild, where he aided in fencing off several wildling invasions.   After the death of king Varric Strongborn, his close friend Ulthar was crowned king of Gotha. As new king he needed friends in important places and he named Jorund as new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. As second son there was little chance of gaining any titles or fiefdoms himself, so Jorund happily accepted. In the following years he led the Night's Watch firmly. As Ulthar understood the importance of a strong border guard, he bolstered the ranks of the Night's Watch with his own troops after the great orc incursion of 1377. When war broke out with Myrtana in 1385 Jorund had little choice but to add his forces to the war effort: he owed everything to the Strongborn family. He joined the Assassin's War and marched south, eventually dying during the Battle of Longfields. In his will, he named the young Harrower Marcus Vardenfell to be his successor.
1333 3E 1386 3E 53 years old


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