Ulthar III Strongborn Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Ulthar III Strongborn

King of Gotha


Ulthar Strongborn was the first son to Varric I Strongborn and Elsa Windlake of the Kingdom of Gotha. He was born while his father was campaigning against the Kingdom of Myrtana. During his youth he developed as a fierce warrior and it was discovered he was Dragonborn. Two more sons were born to his parents: Holgunn I Strongborn and Rhaegar Strongborn.  

Night's Watch

When Ulthar was 22, he was sent to serve in The Night's Watch due to greater pressure from wildlings and orcs. This was in fact caused by the Angmarian chieftain Uruk, who had passed the Red Waste. Here Ulthar learned to command men in battle and learned to understand the dangers from the Wild. His close friends Jorund Wolfheart and James Lancaster had followed him into service with the Watch. During these years Ulthar married Alessa Greystout and his first son Aegon II Strongborn was born. After ten years of fighting against the orcs, Ulthar was promoted to the rank of Lord Commander. As Lord Commander he drove the orcs from the province of Edaur. Within two years of holding the position Ulthar's father passed away of old age and Ulthar was crowned king of Gotha. Jorund remained at Castle Black and was appointed the new Lord Commander.  


Upon his coronation, Ulthar bestowed the Jarldom of Odessa upon his brother Holgunn. His second brother, Rhaegar, mysteriously disappeared during the festivities, not to be seen until decades later. What followed was a time of peace and for ten years the gothic people enjoyed the comforts of peace. This changed when Uruk launched his second great invasion of the Gothic Realm: the Great Wild Incursion. He invaded most of Edaur, Rhudaur and the Falklands. Only thanks to a heroic stand of Aegon and Holgunn at Aegon's Hold was his invasion beaten off. As the Night's Watch was largely depleted due to this invasion, Ulthar sent many of his royal troops to join the Night's Watch, making it basically a tool of royal interests. During his years as king, two more sons were born to Ulthar: Berengar and Eric I Strongborn.  


Even though Ulthar had mainly focused on the Wilds during his reign, tensions with the Myrtanians had been high ever since his father had taken the Falklands from them. Ulthar had tried to maintain peace with his southern neighbours, but in 1385 he was suddenly assassinated in his palace in Gotha. Aegon succeeded him and blaimed the Myrtanians for Ulthar's death, leading to the Assassin's War.  


Ulthar III Strongborn


Towards Alessa Greystout

Alessa Greystout


Towards Ulthar III Strongborn

1331 3E 1385 3E 54 years old
Alessa Greystout (spouse)


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