
Set between the BARACHIA RIVER in the west and the Hruesen River in the east. It extends from the GULF OF BARACHIA and the FOULWOOTH WOOD.

Natural Resources

Timber, Blue Dye, Hardwood, Charcoal


Aesperdi has largely been a woodland.  When Aenochians first entered the area few settled here and over the centuries the area had little growth in population.  Woodland products were the mainstay and there was little trade.    Settlements are small and Aesperdi, the capital is a small town with modest defenses sitting on the Hruesen River in the woods.  The older towns are very small and scattered throughout the woodlands.   The population has grown during the years of the WINTER'S DARK.  The remote and resource poor area was largely forgotten by Aufstrag, and so people fleeing the full effect of those times found their way here.  This has led to the rise of three small towns:  AUTUMN on the east end of LAKE AUTUMN, FREEPORT at the mouth of the AUTUMN RIVER, and PELONI a small port city near the mouth of the Hruesen River.
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