Beldin Quinta

Beldin was the 9th Count of Harz.  Before that he had already made a considerable mark as the regent for Igor II.  He had been chosen as he was Igor II's Uncle, and although of a good age was not yet burdened by his lands as his Father, BARNOK QUINTA, THE YOUNGER was still alive.     Beldin had his greatest impact when he kept the pressure on the HANSE CITIES and was able to gain their recognition of Aachen's rights to the eastern half of the STRAIGHTS OF URSAL. Then in what he thought would be a blow against the Brat, he lead a force north to take the town of Eickjolf. Thus compromising the Brat base of operations in the North. He left his nephew with a Kingdom richer and better off than his Father had left him. In 1197 he withdrew to EDENBERG and to take up his office as Count of Harz with the death of his father that same year.   Beldin's gambit to take Eickjolf had limited the growth of the Brat's power, but in 1320 when his nephew died while breaking the siege of that town, Igor III relinquished all control to the Brat. This was further compromised when he married Lonida Bratvag the daughter of Sturla Brat. Having lost out in his gamble in the North, Beldin turned the same energies into growing his own lands in the South. He has established trade posts on the Southern coast West of the RHODOPE MOUNTAINS.


Beldin Quinta


Towards Kaja Belois

Kaja Belois


Towards Beldin Quinta

1262 1349 87 years old
Place of Death
Kaja Belois (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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