Igor III

The death of Igor II so shocked Igor III that he refused to expand in the North. He undertook actions to preserve the kingdom, he simply rebuilt and reinforced Eickjolf, he did not follow up and try to reduce the goblins. The new defenses must have been sufficient as the goblins did not molest the city during his reign.   Eickjolf did continue to flourish, and the Vul in the KOTSUJ VALLEY grew in population and spread out to the east and west looking for the furs that the Aachen market commanded. Soon the Goblins from the east, and the Orcs and Ungren that ranged to the West were raiding these new settlements.   The Hanse States, envious of the Kotsuj fur trade again challenged Aachen on the Inner Sea. This SECOND WAR OF THE HANSE LEAGUE lead to another victory by Aachen. Unfortunately Igor III contracted a disease while conducting this campaign and died shortly after the war ended in 1329.


Igor III


Towards Lonida Bratvag

Lonida Bratvag


Towards Igor III

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1297 1329 32 years old
Lonida Bratvag (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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