
In 1294 after nearly four centuries of steadily growing size and prosperity it was moved from the small world of the Kotsuj Valley and BAY OF FINGALAS to the larger World of Aihrde at large.  In that year the forces of Igor II King of Aachen came to Eickjolf and were able to take the town.     Eickjolf was now the focal point of Aachen's expansion into the Kotsuj Valley.  This provided a new imputus to settlement of the valley, it also meant troops protecting the settlers and pushing the Goblins of the Ansagar back to the east, and the ORCS OF THE HOLMGRAD MOUNTAINS back to the west.     This strategy seemed to be a great success, but in 1320 the Orcs and Goblins conspired and launched attacks against the settlements.  This is known as the NORTHERN WAR in Eickjolf.  The Orcs attacked in several places in the valley, while the Goblins swarmed down at Eickjolf.  They were able to lay a siege to the town, and the forces out in the valley were hard pressed by the Orcs.     Igor II was minor when Eickjolf was added to his realm, but he came north with his fleet and a land force.  They were able to come ashore to the East of the town and set up a counter siege.  The Goblins stood firm for a while, but soon they were slipping away and their siege collapsed.  As the forces of Aachen were entering the siege lines GRIGSPOCKET the Goblin leader using his magic reached Igor's tent and assassinated him as he ate.  This lessened the shine of the victory, but it was a victory.  The breaking of the siege and the subsequent campaign into the valley against the Orcs firmly established Aachen's possession of these lands.     In 1329 the town was again the target of attack as it was raided by forces of the HANSE CITIES during the SECOND WAR OF THE HANSE LEAGUE.  This raid was unsuccessful, but the actions of Aachen to defend the town and to gain recompense from the raiders cemented the relationship of town and valley to Aachen.     It was not just the Kingdom that had grown in respect but Hiorvard Brat and then his son Eric Brat grew as well.  These two served as the chief agents of the Brat, and became the chief agent of the crown as well.   The town is now celebrating its further inclusion in the realm with the creation of the Jarldom of Kotsuj and the naming of Eric Brat to be the Jarl of Brat in 1350.


Eickjolf sits on a mountainous promintory on the East side of the mouth of the KOTSUJ RIVER.  It is blessed with a good natural harbor on the INNER SEA, and access to the river as well.  The Mountainous terrain has made fortification of the area much easier.


As natural harbors are won't to do this place has long been the sight of humanoid activity.  The current Vul settlement was founded sometime in the early 800's.  It provided a natural fort and port to launch raids from.  Over the years it grew in size and population.  As it did the defenses became more formidable.     For the first two centuries or so of its existence it was merely a fortified village with a great port.  Ships were built up the river, where there was timber, and then sailed down to Eickjolf.  Most of the migration to DETMOLD started from this point, including the voyage of Brat Ericson launched from here in 1083.     The migration continued, but in 1153 Brat's great grandson GIRTH BRAT returned to Eickjolf, not to live but to buy furs.  From then on the House of Brat became the primary buyer of furs in Eickjolf.  This moved from simply buying furs, to actually actively supporting trappers pushing further in the Homgrad, and settlers moving up the valley.
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