
Leofingol Folkor (a.k.a. Leo / Pinball)

7th level Warlock (Celestial, of the Tome)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leofingol Folkor, also known as Leo, or Pinball in his youth (among other nicknames), started his career in engineering and tinkering, like many rock gnomes before him in Highforge  Leofingol's parents (Father - Eldon, Mother - Roywyn) were both tinkers, but died at a tragically young age while Leofingol was only 4 years old   The circumstances around their deaths were never made clear to Leofingol, however the Tinker's guild took him in, and raised him as their own. The guild gave him very good mentorship positions and Leofingol worked for some of the greatest tinkers of the era. He struck out on his own at the young age of 25 as an independent tinker and built up a small, but successful, semi-custom tinkered solutions business. This business afforded him a reasonably comfortable lifestyle, and gave him merchant and tinker contacts throughout northern Karameikos. The tinker's guild and the community were the only family he had really ever known.   Many years passed, and Leofingol dreamed of retiring young and exploring the world, but the business always demanded too much time to allow for non-work related travel. One day, as he was working with another tinker on a large project, he encountered a small strange onyx crystal shaped as a phoenix on the shelf in the other tinker's workshop. It somehow seem to draw his attention in a very compelling way. It appeared that it was somehow attuned to him, and was some sort of communication portal to a Phoenix on another Plane. The being referred to itself as Elezar , the Eternal Radiance. It appeared that the customer that owned the crystal phoenix was not attuned to it in any way. Elezar seemed to be ancient, and knowledgeable of a great many things, which enthralled Leofingol. At one point Elezar asked Leofingol if he desired more knowledge of what happened to his parents. Leofingol was instantly hooked - while he never actively pursued information about his parent's deaths deep down inside it was a desire. While the tinkers took great care of Leofingol, it seemed that none would share much information, or perhaps had much information of his parents other that they too were tinkers. Elezar explained that if he wanted to understand what had happened to his parents, that he would need to leave behind his past and become an adventurer (which of course appealed to Leofingol), and suggested that the first test of his readiness for the task would be to sell his business and buy the crystal phoenix that allowed the communication.   The tinker was not too interested in selling the crystal, but was very interested in taking over Leofingol's successful business. At one point during the negotiation Leofingol felt a surge throughout his being, and the negotiation started to turn in his favor. In the end the tinker agreed to part with the crystal, which he claimed was a magical family heirloom, and Leofingol had given up his tinker business for it, for better or worse. Elezar admitted later to have intervened in the negotiation, and that the surge Leofingol felt was Elezar giving Leofingol enhanced powers of persuasion and, if Leofingol was willing to move on to adventure, that not only would Elezar help him learn the truth of what happened to his parents, but would also empower Leofingol magically.  

The Pact:

  Leofingol, given the promise of information about his parents, and the offer of powers, was very interested, but wary. Elezar eventually admitted that Karameikos appeared to be in the midst of a great change, and Elezar was seeking a local ally to work on his behalf to help mold those events, which was why he had reached out to Leofingol. Leofingol had one last request: would he have freedom to decline if Elezar's requests went against his judgement of what was right. Elezar hesitated, but eventually agreed to this restriction. Upon this condition, a pact was made. Elezar's next request was that he sell his home and possessions, purchase some basic supplies, and head to Saltmarsh . While Leofingol did not love the idea of selling all his possessions, he could not argue that this was wrong, and in some ways it would force a true fresh start.   He had never traveled anywhere near as far as Saltmarsh, so even just going there would be an adventure for Leofingol. After selling his home, he informed the guild that he would be departing for an extended time, but would remain a member, and paid 2 months dues in advance from the proceeds of selling his home. With that, he took off for Saltmarsh. On the way there, Elezar taught him how to draw upon his new powers in what seemed to be amazing new abilities, though some of the new skills seemed to be limited in how many times they could be used without rest. After the first full day of travel, Elezar explained that through the skill of prestidigitation he could clean his travel clothes quickly at will, and this brought great delight. The trip to Saltmarsh was a great event for Leofingol, though truly it went without any incidences. These new abilities were great fun to "play" with, and the ability to blast mosquitoes out of the air never got old.   Elezar seemed to have stopped communication with Leofingol halfway to Saltmarsh, and he didn't notice for quite some time. He figured Elezar would reach back out to him when he arrived in Saltmarsh with more information, but to his surprise the silent treatment continued. He checked in to The Snapping Line near the center of town but, after a day of the fish smell, he decided to move out to The Wicker Goat. Expecting to hear back from Elezar, he settled in. He spent the first few days just exploring the town a bit, and stopping in the shops to see what was available.   This was very different from Highforge, but some of the dwarves in the Wicker Goat seemed to be happy to see someone from Highforge to share stories with. After the extended silence from Elezar, he decided that he better start earning some money, as his funds were dwindling quickly. He spoke with the dwarves and the local merchants, and was soon able to get enough business doing basic tinkering to stop the cash bleeding, but was just barely treading water. Perhaps he can find something to do with his new found skills...  

Pact Friends & Benefits

  The silent treatment from Elezar did not last forever. In the course of the adventure Elezar has given Leofingol additional powers and abilities, including a wide range of magical effects that Leo can call forth. One of the most significant of these magical gifts was the Book of Ancient Secrets, which Elazar gifted to Leo while the party was in the Sunless Citadel. This gift has given Leofingol access to many powerful rituals. This "book" actually is a complex gear based puzzlebox that can be configured in a nearly endless range of patterns, and when operated correctly, which takes a fair amount of concentration effort, and time, manipulates the fabric of magic in the area in very specific ways. Presumably through experimentation alone, additional effects may be possible, but the configurations are nearly infinite, so the chance of finding a meaningful pattern is nearly zero. However, Elezar has shown Leo that if he encounters certain types of ritual based magic in the course of his adventure, there is a way to translate those rituals into puzzle configurations.   When Elezar first gifted the puzzlebox to Leo, it came with instructions for two configurations known. The first is a clever little "simple" puzzle that makes the puzzlebox act as a detctor of magical energies. While these engergies are normally invisible to living creatures, by manipulating the energy field in the area, the perturbations fall into the visible range. This has proven to be quite useful in finding magical items in their adventures.   The second configuration is actually a fairly simple pattern, but takes a very long time to manipulate just due to the number of steps involved. This pattern enables Flametalon, a mystical creature that takes the form of an owl to enter this dimension. Once in this dimension, Leo can send him safely to a pocket dimension, and call him back quite easily. With some focus, Leo can actually see through Flametalon's eyes, though he temporarily is paralyzed when doing this. He can also telepathically communicate with Flametalon, which enables Flametalon to assist Leo at times.   There have been several other abilities gained over the course of the adventure through the puzzlebox, but one in particular creates another magical companion. A wizard ritual called Phantom Steed enables the ritual caster to call forth a large magical beast that is friendly, and has a saddle and bridle. Leo's Phantom Steed is Deion a beautiful mystical version of a Rockhome Lizard. Leo became quite attached to a Rockhome Lizard during one of his internships within the Tinker's Guild, as these subterranean lizards are friendly, hard working companions.  During his internship one of his responsibilities was to take care of the Rockhome Lizards that worked the shared power wheel for 3 different tinker shops in Highforge.  It turns out these large bipedal lizards are very friendly, and seem to enjoy the work for food and companionship arrangement.  Leo had always wanted a Rockhome lizard for his activities, but in his own tinker's shop, they did not have subterranean caverns, and unfortunately, real Rockhome Lizards can't be on the surface during daylight, as they are injured quite quickly, and die in just a few minutes of exposure to the sun. Deion is a little flashier than the true Rockhome Lizards, in that he has very fine fur, that is not unlike the wings of a butterfly, and diffract the light right at the edge of the visible spectrum at the dark purple end. Depending on the angles, it appears black or very deep violet. he also has some head, tail, and forearm feathers that are excellent for balance control. He does however have the friendly demeanor of the true Rockhome Lizards, as well as their strength. The most amazing attribute of Deion is his raw speed and agility. Even with a saddle, and Leo on his back, he can stride 4 times as fast as Leo at a normal walking pace, and actually much faster than even Flametalon can fly! If he sprints, it is astonishing how fast he can run, and amazingly enough, his back barely sways even at a fast pace. Unfortunately Deion's energetic activities cause him to fade from this world after just an hour.

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

Member of the Tinker's Guild in good standing (2gp / month)

Religious Views

Patron Immortal: Garal Glitterlode
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
918 92 Years old
Brown, streaked with silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
3' 8"
Known Languages
Thyatian, Gnomish, Dwarvish


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