The Mountain Pass

The Mountain Pass to the north is wide. The river is about 800 feet wide in the mountain pass and the land on each side that is navigable by horse and carts is about 300 feet on each side of the river. Then there is thick and dense woods on each side that lead to the mountains. The pass is not wide enough for a large army to go through all at one time), but a large group can all go together through this mountain pass – even a large caravan can make it. A small platoon of perhaps 100 men could go through at one time. Remember the river runs down the middle of this mountain pass. There are guard posts at the start of the mountain pass and periodically along the road and gates that go across the river too. To travel down by boat, you need to pay a gate fee to have the gates open. There are two gates to pass through. One at the start of the mountain pass and then another one half way through the mountain pass. To go through the Mountain Pass takes 2 days on horse (so it is about 70 miles long). The road is well maintained and guarded and there are rest stops selling food and drink and offering overnight stays and with guarded areas to pitch tents (for a small fee). The City wants to keep this travel path clear because the commerce along it is very important. We send goods out this way and traders bring goods in this way.
Mountain Pass
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