Northshore Village

On the Northern shores all along the bay are large estates with docks and boats and private beaches too. About 75% of these estates are full-time lived in and 25% are just summer homes for city residents. Good and safe roads lead to all the homes. There are only a few stores out this way, so several merchants bring goods out once a week in small caravans. There is also a public beach. Around this public beach is a village-like area with rentable houses, a large inn, and a few regular homes for a handful of full-time residents. It is a 30-minute walk from the Docks – so it is close enough that it is a vacation destination and sometimes in the good weather it is a daytrip destination too. There is a restaurant and a bar attached to the Inn. Also a Dry Goods store for supplies etc. It is a small village on the shore of the bay.
Location under
Owning Organization


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