Jessabell's Charms

This is a magic shop that specializes in charms and potions and lucky or even cursed items, but has some other items too   The owner, Jessabell, is also a fortuneteller and she will take coin to read someones fortune. She can use many means from tarrot, to tea leaves, to bones, to dice, and even some obscure methods such as blood letting   Jessabell works long hours, but when she is not at the shop, there is a gargoyle that stays near the front door that is sentient and will come to life when someone approaches. He can speak many languages. His name is Harendrite. He is about 2 foot tall and appears just as a statue until someone approaches the front door. He is often found in a different fixed position - like sometimes standing, other times sitting, sometimes to the left of the door, and other times to the right, etc. Also, when she is at the shop, many times he is not there. After all, even a gargoyle desserves some time off!          
Shop, Magic

Articles under Jessabell's Charms