These stables are in the Taverns and Inns section #1, close to the main courtyard. Two half elves attend the stables – Landorr and Gislana. They live above the stables and take care of the horses. They are a couple. They do not own the stables, Landorr’s uncle owns the stables, but they get paid a percentage, so they do take very good care of the horses etc. The stables have a very good reputation. They also are good at caring for injured or sick horses. The owner is Murray Scott (Human) – he is Landorr’s uncle on his mother’s side. He is a good horse healer – like a veterinarian – and he also goes out to the farmers to care for their livestock and horses too. He can also breed and birth horses. And they do breed and sell horses too at these stables. And they sell tack and harnesses too. They can also “shoe” horses. Basically, anything you need for a horse and even for outfitting a wagon – they will have it. They work closely with other tradesmen such as the blacksmith and leather smith and the wagon makers /carpenters, etc. He also owns land and stables outside of the city walls. More of the breading is actually done there. In his healing work, he sometimes consults with the Druid, especially in cases in which magic is needed, hence the need for the Druid.