The Ale House

Cheaper but not really cheap. It is on the “seedy side” of things – still safe most of the time - especially during the day. This is the place to hire thugs and do some black-market deals and find out some rumors having to do with the underworld or darker dealings. As with many rumors, not everything you hear will be true and also some could have a grain of truth to them but just part of the rumor is a bit wrong. They do not have rooms for rent, but if someone gets too drunk to walk home, they have an adjacent room with cots and they do not charge much for them. The town drunk, Schnapps, stays here a lot. Barmaid: Tammy, Bartender (and most likely also the owner): Whisky Jack – he is a tall and muscular man with red hair, pale skin and lots of tattoos, but none on his face – they are neck down. They have one or two “bouncers” for security depending on the crowd. The main bouncer is Knuckles. The cook (who is often heard from the room behind the bar as he is loud and grumbles and complains alot) is called “Souffle” but that can’t be his actual real name. When you see him, his a pretty big man, large hands.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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