
A species of ghost-like female creatures, native to Kildonagh.

Basic Information


All Banshee appear physically akin to a human female corpse. As such, they retain all typical features of human corpses such as pale skin, prominent bone structure, elongated finger nails, and sunken features. However most Banshee differ morphologically from humans in their jaw structure. Banshee have the ability to unhinge their jaws at will, aiding in their wails and giving them a perpetual "scream".

Genetics and Reproduction

All Banshee are birthed from a Banshee "queen". Banshee queens are rare creatures that are born only on harvest moons during the winter season and possess the ability to reproduce asexually. Only Banshee that are designated as "queens" possess this ability. All Banshee birthed from the queen are almost genetically identical to the queen, herself.

Ecology and Habitats

Banshee make their nest in caves and other dark places where they can more easily use their echolocation to gain an advantage on opponents and prey. "Drones" hang from cave ceilings during periods of rest while the "Queens" typically rest on a nest structure crafted from the bones and belongings of their prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The required diet for a Banshee to survive and remain healthy is primarily composed of living tissue from other organisms. Many Banshee retain sentience and choose to prey upon non-human creatures out of what can be perceived as a possible moral code. However, other Banshee have been witnessed preying exclusively on humans, laying waste to towns and villages over short periods of time.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most Banshee have the capacity to see visually, yet some lack developed eye structures and are unable to do so. All Banshee, however, possess the ability of echolocation and use this method to travel and hunt in the dark.
Scientific Name
Homo exspiravit
Conservation Status
Banshee are typically violent creatures, so King Dagda has issued a "Kill as Many as You Can" ordinance.