
On the southern coast of Kildonagh lies Carrig. Bordered by the Sheskin Swamp to the North and the Shimmering Sea to the South, Carrig is a major port city. It’s nicknamed “The Town of Red Briars”, due to the overgrowth of Godsbush, a plant with red, thorny branches, spreading out from the southern point of the Sheskin Swamp. As the oldest city in Kildonagh, it's buildings are dilapidated and frayed. Located between the dangerous Skesin Swamp, the treacherous Shimmering Sea, and the putrid Banshee Cave, Carrig is not a place for the weak of will or body.


Wildly diverse population. Comprised equally of deities from across Mythologica.


The government of Carrig is a dukedom that is subservient to the overall government of Kildonagh. The Duke of Carrig reports directly to the King of Kildonagh, located in Maum.


Carrig is a walled city defended by the local Carrig militia. They may not be capable or well trained, but they try their hardest.


As a port city, Carrig possesses a large shipyard and expansive docks.


The Old Pipe Tavern and Jazz Club, Kelpie Hotel, Swan Pond, Artio's Beartique, Swamp Burger, Golden Nagamichi, The Possum's Hole, and Shroomie's Night Club.


After Cu Chulainn's death at the hands of the evil druid, Fer Doirich, ownership of Carrig was decided to rest with the newly reformed Banshee Queen, Gwendolyn.


Since his rise to dukedom, Cu Chulainn has worked tirelessly to improve Carrig's reputation. Under his leadership, hotels, restaurants, and night clubs have popped up around the city, attempting to lure in tourists. Although Carrig may be in a not-so-hospitable location, that doesn't mean that the townsfolk don't try their best to welcome outsiders with open arms.


The town is old, ornate, and dilapidated. Rotting wood sits atop sturdy, ancient brick for many buildings in town.


  • Carrig
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Town of Red Briars
Inhabitant Demonym
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Characters in Location