
Sheskinoe is a quaint little town within the Sheskin swamp. Typically quiet and sleepy, the village comes alive every year during Lithapalooza, when thousands from across Mythologica flock to Sheskinoe for three days of music, fun, and food.


A small village ruled by the people. Kildonagh laws are enforced by Sheriff Anna and Deputy. If decisions need to be made or judgements need to be passed, citizens of the town may come together to decide upon a conclusion.


Almost non-existent. Sheriff department runs most of the defenses.


At the center of town is the Sheskin Library with a large belltower. Sheskinoe also has Willow My Wisp (a bed and breakfast/tavern owned by Borvo), Grasshopper Groceries (a convenience store owned by Eos), the Sheskinoe History and Mystery Museum (ran by Sylvanus), the Courthouse, and the sheriff department.


Every year, the Sheskinoe Swamp is flooded with thousands of people to celebrate Lithapalooza. Lithapalooza is a festival occuring on the celtic holiday, Litha, which celebrates the longest day of Summer. Since Sheskinoe has long nights and short days, this means that Litha is regarded as the “longest night”, some people even refer to the festival as “The Celebration of the Longest Night”. There’s concerts, dancing, and tons of food. People flock from all over Mythologica to come to it.


  • Sheskinoe
Founding Date
Around 10
Inhabitant Demonym
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