
Riverville is a small, rural settlement on the western outskirts of Kildonagh. It's inhabitants have shunned the recent developments in magic and technology to pursue a simpler lifestyle. The most notable aspect of Riverville is the Riverville Mall which looms above the town, providing it's inhabitants with all of their shopping needs.


A dukedom subservient to the ruling kingdom of Kildonagh.


The town of Riverville does not possess any major defenses and relies heavily on its townsfolk to police themselves. Criminals are sent out into The Quagmire where people tend to mysteriously disappear.


Riverville is notable for it's use of farmland and windmills. Kildonagh isn't known for it's agricultural abilities as much of its geography is comprised of infertile swampland, marshes, and quagmires. Riverville, however, is an exception. Its soil is surprisingly lush and capable of growing many crops. The miles and miles of farmland surrounding the town provides Kildonagh with all of its produce.


Riverville's main tourist attraction is the Riverville Mall. Sitting atop a hill overlooking the town, the mall was constructed many years prior as a gift from Olympia to Kildonagh. It's insane size, diversity of stores, indoor recreational activities, and low prices make it a must-see retail destination.


  • Riverville
Alternative Name(s)
Town of Many Rivers
Not a lot
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
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